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Messages - gonnamove

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DFRPG / Re: Help with statting a character
« on: September 16, 2013, 11:58:50 PM »
Looks fine to me.

The Supernatural Sense is kind of weak, though.

And you'll have to make sure that you and your group are on the same page regarding the way that Feeding Dependency works.

Yeah I'll probably work on that supernatural sense. I just didn't want him to look stupid walking around dark crime scenes with sunglasses on. I'll also make sure my GM is on the same page, which I'm sure he will be.

Thanks again for the help.

DFRPG / Re: Help with statting a character
« on: September 16, 2013, 07:46:35 PM »
So I've been working with the feedback, and I've made a few changes to the character. Regarding human form, I decided that it does affect his appearance, by at the lowest level making the whites of his eyes blood red, and at higher levels making his whole body flushed with red, and raising his body temp. When investigating, he normally would be wearing sunglasses to cover his eyes, so he may not always be able to use them discreetly.

Regarding Feeding Dependency, I realized it’s not the pills he would need to take to remove his stress, but detoxing procedures to lower the stress. So it'd technically be Feeding Dependency (Detox Pills), not Feeding Dependency (Magical Pills).

He also has a dealer for the drugs, and although not explicitly controlled by them, it could come into play later as a complication. The addictive part of it would probably be handled by compels, to keep him taking the pills even when he risks life to do so.

That being said, anybody have any more thoughts? If I should use limitation for some things, could someone help me write that out?

So here is how his sheet would go after the feedback:

Name: Adrian Sherlock Spencer
HC: (Former) Best P.I. in SLC
Trouble: Addicted to Dragon's Blood
Other: Nobody knows you when you're down and out, Just a man in a monster's world.

Skills: 5: Alertness
         4: Stealth, Contacts
         3: Athletics, Endurance,

Stunts: Inspector: Use Alertness for Examination Trapping of Investigation
                       Paranoid? Probably: +2 to alertness to avoid surprise.

Item of Power: Dragon's Blood [-5]
These pills grant the user certain supernatural powers, at the expense of their health. Not actually blood from a dragon, but called that because of the effect it has on the whites of the eyes, and the fact that it raises the users body temperature to potentially dangerous levels.
What it is: A small bottle of pills. Easy to conceal [+1]
-Human Form[+1]: Causes his eyes to become bloodshot, and his skin flushed + elevated body temp.
-Overdose Risk (Feeding Dependency: Detoxification) [+1] effecting:
      -Inhuman Focus [-2]: Gives +1 to Dodge (Athletics), +1 to Attacks involving focus (aiming gun, fencing, throwing knives and the like.), and +1 to Passive Awareness (Alertness), and Examination (Investigation).
      -Supernatural Sense (Dark vision) [-1]: Can see in dimly lit places with no penalty.
      -Inhuman Recovery [-2]
      -Inhuman Toughness [-2]
                 The Catch (Limitation): No Total Recovery, No armor from Toughness [+2]
      -Feel No Pain [-3]

Total Refresh -7 [3 Fp]

Thanks everyone for the feedback, you guys have been super awesome!

DFRPG / Re: Help with statting a character
« on: September 14, 2013, 04:26:18 PM »
Dunno about this. Does he actually transform?

Does he have to take a supplemental action or something to take a pill each scene if he wants to access his Powers?

Human Form feels kind of redundant with Item of Power and Feeding Dependency already there.

The idea was that he needed to take the pills using a supplemental in order to access his power. No physical transformation though. But I can see how it's a little redundant, and may just be me power gaming.

The thing you're dependent on is the drug, right?

But don't you have an unlimited supply of that? It's an Item of Power, after all. Not much of a weakness if you can just reach into your pocket to satisfy it.

This is the part I needed a little help on, and I probably should've been a little more specific. I want to represent the dangers of him taking the drug, and the risk of overdose. The hunger track would be resisted by endurance, with consequences representing the physical strain, or him losing powers by taking lower amounts of the drug. So at his low level of normal dependence scene-to-scene, it'd only be a 2 stress hit, but at the highest levels it'd be anywhere from 6 to 9, which I felt represented the danger well.

I don't think this is a good plan. What does it really mean that massive trauma bypasses your Powers? Because you usually can't tell whether you've suffered massive trauma until you've already taken Consequences, and then it's too late for Toughness to be negated.

You mentioned that you don't get the armour from Inhuman Toughness and that you can't heal everything. I think those problems would make a better Catch.

I agree. No total recovery and no armor from toughness look perfect. Would that be statted at a +3?

Thank you for the feedback, Sanctaphrax!

DFRPG / Help with statting a character
« on: September 13, 2013, 05:30:08 PM »
Hi there! I'm a long time lurker, first time poster, and I needed some help balancing a character concept. My GM for this campaign said he was fine with the balance, but I'm still a little hesitant (I'm usually the gm, but he's wanting to run this one.) We also have a few newbies to Fate, and I don't want to be stealing the spotlight from them.

Here's the basic incomplete character (at Submerged):
Name:Adrian Sherlock Spencer
HC: (Former) Best P.I. in SLC
Trouble:Addicted to (Name of magical drug here.)
Other: Nobody knows you when you're down and out, Just a man in a monster's world.

Skills:5: Alertness
         4: Stealth, Contacts
         3: Athletics, Endurance,

Stunts: Inspector: Use Alertness for Examination Trapping of Investigation

Powers (this is where I need the most help.):

Item of Power: Magical Drugs
What it is: A small bottle of pills. [+1] because easy to hide
-Human Form[+1]: It takes him some effort to take the pills.
-Feeding dependency[+1] effecting
      -Inhuman Focus [-2]: Gives +1 to Dodge(Athletics),+1 to Attacks involving focus(aiming gun, fencing, throwing knives and the like.), and +1 to Passive Awareness(Alertness), and Examination(Investigation).
      -Inhuman Recovery [-2]
      -Inhuman Tougness [-2]
                 The catch: Massive Trauma? (Unsure about this) [+3]
      -Feel No Pain [-3]

Total Refresh -7[3 Fp]

So the idea behind the pills is they highten his perceptions at lower dosages, and allow him to block out pain at higher ones, but he runs the risk of overdosing. Thus feeding dependency. The inhuman toughness and recovery are to represent an increased tolerance to pain combines with his body functioning at a higher level. But he wouldn't have total recovery, nor does it grant him actual physical armor.

I thought about trying to model this around the houseruled feeding dependency and limitation, but I got a little confused. I do like the way feeding dependency represents the struggle to use power but not too much.

Any help would be much appreciated.

DFRPG / Re: Voodoo
« on: May 22, 2013, 09:44:24 PM »
That works well. 

Isn't Hoodoo basically Haitian christianity?  Maybe I'm wrong.  True beleiver stuff definitely works and so does sponsored magic, in any case.

Thaumaturgy lets you explore both sides of the coin - the dark: if you dare to do it(like necromancy and mind magic); and the Light, like healing.

The guy I statted above was supposed to be part of a challenge for a submerged group, but I thought it'd give some ideas.  Doing the modular abilities would eat up too much of your refresh at Feet in the Water.

That is how my friend described it. A lot of hoodoo rituals have you communing with saints and other holy beings. Voodoo is a perversion of that, but very similar so it would work really well with thamaturgy to allow for both the light and the dark, and even taking hellfire or soulfire later on, if you had the refresh to spend.

DFRPG / Re: Voodoo
« on: May 22, 2013, 09:16:49 PM »
My friend wanted to play a Hoodoo priest (basically the same thing but voodoo is the bad version of hoodoo.) The way we did it is we had him take part of the true believe template, like Guide My Hand and Bless This House, but also gave him Ritual (Hoodoo). It was a thematic limit, so you'd have to trust your player, but it gave a very fun feel to his character.

This was for a feet in the water game, so I don't know what other powers would fit at a higher level, but the ghost/spirit possesion thing is pretty cool.

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