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Messages - seandageek

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Technomancer
« on: August 09, 2011, 09:18:07 PM »
Yes but flavored a bit more towards Robert Heinlein's "Waldo" and using a better rules system in a better setting.  ;)  It probably helps that half of my group are Physiomancers (aka. physicists) in real life.

DFRPG / Re: Technomancer
« on: August 09, 2011, 03:57:51 PM »
We're using Technomancers in the game we just started based in Los Alamos, NM. We've taken a different tack on the Technomancer. Technology is magic in our world. A Technomancer is typically a minor talent who through long complicated rituals, called 'experiments', codifies a magical process to the point where non-magical humans believe in and can use the magic. Normal mortals don't understand the magic behind the tech but are given words like 'electron', 'hard drive', and 'cell phone' to reinforce their belief that a technology works and help activate the magic. With newer technology mortals don't always believe strong enough or in large enough numbers and the tech breaks. These incidents are referred to as 'bugs'. Wizards and the like, who change reality through their will and belief, cause havoc with the delicate balance of belief built into newer tech (older tech is believed in more strongly and takes more to overcome).

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