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Messages - aoresteen

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: August 08, 2011, 10:59:34 PM »
I found out about the TV show after I started the books.  Around April/May of 2008 I was in the IZ of Baghdad dodging rockets.  We were taking shelter in the old Embasy building and I went into the rec area where they had racks of books, looking for something to read.  I kept finding books that were Vol 3 of x or 2nd of the series etc.  I didn't want to start a book series in the middle of it so I kept looking.  I found a copy of Storm Front and it was the FIRST one of the series.  Never heard od Jim Butcher but hey, it was the FIRST!  I grabed it and, well, the rest is history!  I read them all, got the DVD, read the Codex Alera and the first graphic novel.

I just finished Ghost Story and I streched reading it over 5 days just to make it last.  Only 352 or so days to go until I get Book 14!

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