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Kevin Mckidd as Micheal sound great.
And for Lara http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BODgyNTQxMjM5NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTExOTAyMw@@._V1._SY314_CR8,0,214,314_.jpg
Yup! Of course, the version I wore to the con is slightly different from the version available in the store. In the store version, the "SplatterCon!!!" text is a different color from the shirt itself (making it more legible at a distance--good call, Fred), and it also has the fun "Property of Jim Butcher" text on the back. Also, the store version is a lot more washer-safe than mine, as I hand-painted it using a homemade stencil.
For Daoine: I wasn't happy with the images of me in my costume at the Con, so here's one I took in my dorm, out of makeup: