GS Book Club / Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« on: September 07, 2011, 03:02:21 AM »I LIKE it. Horrifying, but I like it.
If true, I suspect that both Dumorne/Kemmler and HWWB threw their fights and faked their deaths. HWWB was pretty obvious. He fell into some flames. Harry never went looking for a body.
It would not only explain how DuMorne got Bob, but why he wasn't Torn Limb From (mental) Limb the way Harry almost was when Bob accessed his memories associated with Kemmler.
So that begs the question: WHY did HWWB (and Kemmler/DuMorne) throw their fights? What is it that they want Harry At Large for?
I suspect we won't find the answers to that for a few more books.
Oh my. gosh. FABULOUS. I love the theories!!! Hmm... well, maybe HWWB enjoys the power of knowing he can really throw Harry for a loop sometime/manipulate him against others in the evil realms to wipe out his opponents. Rather a lame theory if I'm allowed to criticise myself given the fact that he couldn't necessarily TRULY know how Harry would turn out. this also does, however, make me wonder if possibly Kemmler/DuMorne was controlling HWWB and using him to draw out Harry's power and prowess and train him by making him fight. It certainly would fit with K/DM's training methods, and perhaps K/DM was still hoping to turn him at some point (a possibly more valid, albeit outlandish theory)