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Messages - kristaleyes

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oh, i see. sorry for going off on a tangent there. :)

and, yeah, you've got a good point. though i'm also inclined to think that mab, who's been around for ages, would probably have considered the possibility that harry would try something to get out of their agreement. and she might have been watching out for a trick from him. so as soon as he got shot and fell "into cold and darkness—and they are my domain", as she herself said, then she immediately moved to rescue his body. plus, she didn't really seem surprised that he did what he did to try to escape from her.

that's food for thought there, john4200.

but the way i understood changes is that harry did think through all the possible options he had and becoming the winter knight was the best choice in terms of avoiding going "evil" eventually. i think he must have believed that being the winter knight would give him the most leeway to rebel in the future (since he had already seen lloyd slate do basically the same thing before when the guy sided with aurora). so he must have also thought that even if mab figured out he tried to cheat her by dying and she does something to keep him alive, then he still wouldn't be completely under her power or become completely corrupted.

contrast that if, for example, he had chosen to take up a coin instead. his chances of losing himself were greater if he had opted to go with the fallen. even though, yes, a human host can decide to give up the coin, being the host of a fallen angel seems to be really corrupting. even when it was just lash in his head, other people noticed little changes about him, like he was angrier than normal. and she was just a shadow.

finished reading ghost story, and i thought it was awesome. especially that badass little speech harry made to mab.

haven't read all the comments yet, but there are those saying that harry had himself killed because he was in despair, etc. what i think is, yeah, he was in despair and he thought that the only way to save his daughter back in changes was to take up the mantle of the winter knight. however, when he  made the decision to get kincaid to kill him, i don't think he made that decision out of desperation. i think he thought it was the most pragmatic and most practical way to make sure that he wouldn't belong to mab completely. or it was his way of cheating mab out of her new winter knight.

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