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Messages - BjustaB

Pages: [1]
I just love this board! No where else does a group of people get off track in such creative or educational ways.  You guys are the best! :D


Author Craft / Re: Readers Block?
« on: September 11, 2007, 09:07:33 PM »
Whenever I can't seem to settle in on any one book, I re-read something I love.  Since it is a re-read it usually goes fast.  I always find I am ready for something new after that.


Author Craft / Looking for a word
« on: September 07, 2007, 06:21:13 PM »
I am guessing that this group would probably be the best to help me with a word issue.  I am looking for a word that means non-magical or non-mystical.  The closest word I can come up with is “mundane” but that word also has the connotation of boring and I don’t want to convey that at all.  When my main character and her friends use the word they are only being descriptive not judgmental.

I have turned the thesaurus upside down and still am not finding the word I am looking for.  Any ideas?  Since the novel is set in this world, urban setting, I cannot make up a word – it needs to be something readily recognizable.


Author Craft / Re: Titles!
« on: August 27, 2007, 05:17:44 AM »
I do think titles can have a lot of power when it comes to attracting (or dissuading) readers. I don't think I would have read Semiautomagic.  The title makes me think of guns; not a subject I would choose to read about.

Author Craft / Re: Women, start, I mean...question....
« on: July 08, 2007, 02:05:03 AM »
How about the "center of the bra"?  That's what I would say.

I have a favorite spell-check horror story. I was working for an agency that created resumes and cover letters for welfare moms. I wanted to describe one client as conscientious but I didn't spell it right.  Spell check changed it for me.  So, the resume read that she was hard working and contentious.

She got the job despite my (and MS Word's) best efforts.


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