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Messages - Rook

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Dresden vs everyone in the Genre
« on: October 22, 2007, 04:07:10 AM »
Also the Roadrunner thing when he was fighting Aroura (My spelling sucks).

Exactly! Who else can say "Meep Meep" to a faerie queen and get away with it?

Although my favorite line is still "For my next trick, anvils!"

That really needs to be an icon.  ;D

Author Craft / Re: Dresden vs everyone in the Genre
« on: October 22, 2007, 02:41:50 AM »
I think that's the reason why JB is really the only author of the genre that I'll spend money on without hesitation: i know I'll get something unique.

Who else but Dresden does things like send pizza to the middle of nowhere once a week as a retainer for faerie services?  Or references Wile E. Coyote during a street fight?

I tried reading the Anita Blake novels, and just got bogged down feeling that I'd read it/seen it before ala Angel/Buffy.  It's all about the same angsty, predictable bada**es doing the same sorts of things. Sexy vampires and detective agencies, yada yada. It's gotten to the point that, unless I get wind of something really original, I just don't bother.

Anybody else in that sort of rut?

Author Craft / Re: Who's going to participate in NANO this year?
« on: October 22, 2007, 02:13:34 AM »
I've decided to join the insanity for the first time. Meep!  :-\

My main reason is to force myself to write in rough draft format. I tend to over-edit myself when I write, which leaves me with the perfect first chapter of a story that completely stalls out. I'm hoping that the time limit will help me embrace imperfection on the first go.

I must become one with the rough draft...*meditating*

See the rough draft...

Be the rough draft...


Pages: [1]