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Messages - jphendren

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*-Btw, anyone else excited over what is, to me at least, clearly an homage to Rothfuss?

That's awesome, I feel like a dunce for not even realizing that after reading it. Nice Catch! "The Name of the Wind" definitely gripped me like no other debut novel since Storm Front.

I think we're all working under the assumption that Harry is actually going to tell people that he's alive. Will he? He say how devastated everyone was and how they've all started to finally accept he's gone. Not to mention his daughter is with the Carpenters. He can't be around them now if he's trying to keep her identity secret. Not to mention all the other stuff that just went down.

So will he? I'm sure eventually he will, someone is bound to find out sooner or later. But I'm putting my money on not sooner. I see a lot of court politics and bad guy chasing in the future. Either in the Never Never or in the shadows- maybe not even in Chicago! At least for the next book or two. I mean he's always been in Chicago but some bad stuff be a brewin' and he's off to Faerie so who knows when he'll show up on the streets again.

True, i think to a degree we are all assuming that sometime in the next book, Harry will make his way back into chicago to renunite with the justice league. The way the stories are going it will most likely be in the last 2-3 paragraphs of the next book. But of course the possiblity exists that He will be unable to contact or unwilling to contact them. However, i just can't see that being the case.

He's already seen the devastation he has caued his friends and loved ones , and he recognizes that they are all still in danger what with them not having a heavyweight wizard around to balance the scales, so he's going to want to get back to chicago asap, possibly in a shadow role if nothing else, so that he can continue to protect his "family".

The big question in the next book is to what lengths does Harry have to go to secure his parole from Mab, to be able to operate out of Chicago, and not the Winter Court. Because while i can see the possibility of one book taking place in the Fairie courts, with all new supporting cast, I can't see two. Since i would think that constantly being surrounded by the "otherness" of the unseelie courts would weigh on him heavily for an extended period of time.

That being said, it's still going to be amazing to see how he repairs the relationships that he damaged in Changes/Ghost Story all the while balancing the demands of Mab/Chicago/White Council.

Only another year and a half (hopefully) until the next time I don't blink for 5 consecutive hours.

Bring it on!

Timeout I think we are forgetting a major detail about Harry's decision to arrrange his own murder. Firstly that despair and reasoning wouldn't have come about if it was for the Fallen Angels whispers.

I don't think anyone has attempted to dispute that fact, not do i disagree that the fallen whispering to him was ultimately responsible for him attempting to end his own life. What I take umbrage at is the fact that he USED molly to further those ends. Sure the fallen may have convinced him that he had to kill himself to protect those he loved, but I certainly doubt that it told him he had to involve Molly to the extent of being completely complicit in the death of the man she loves most in the world. She flat out told him "do you know what this is going to do to me?" in terms of destroying her heart, and he forged on ahead sure of the righteous nature of his actions.

Let's be sure of one thing here, i'm not saying that this has destroyed my faith in Harry, quite the contrary. It's made him seem even more human, more relatable, as he has F'd up huge here. But it's still, by far, leaps and bounds worse than anything he has consciously chosen to do in the series so far, and to do it to someone that he loves makes it worse still.

First time poster here, long time Dresden-o-phile.

I have to say I was floored when the ending to changes cam around. Then yesterday, after picking up Ghost Story, i had to use all my willpower to not start reading at the last 10 pages of the book simply to see how they managed harry's resurrection.

Anyway, what struck me the most about GS, is the changes between the relationships that existed between harry and all the major and minor surrounding characters. I have to say I'm a little apprehensive for his reunion with the Justice league, as I think some of his relationships have been irrevocably strained, if not broken. Specifically I'm talking about Karrin and Molly.

Karrin - How do you all think Murphy is going to react to finding out that a) Harry is alive , b) Harry arranged his own murder and all the consequences that came from it, and c) that Harry used Kincaid, possibly the only other male romantic interest for her other than Harry, to do it. Personally I saw this novel as the death knell for any possible romantic hookup between Harry and Murphy. It reminds me of Harry's reaction to Susan not telling him about maggie. "We're done, you knew it when you didn't tell me about my child" or something to that extent. I can't see Murphy forgiving Harry for what he's done to the city, his friends or her, regardless of him having the best of intentions.

Molly - As much as I love Harry's character, once we found out that Harry used Molly to arrange his own murder, I kinda lost a little (still love him) respect for him as a man. It was possibly the single most selfish thing he has ever done. Thoughtless AND selfish, especially after seeing the toll it has taken upon Molly both in the physical  and mental side of the coin. I personally think that they are setting up Molly as his H.E.E. down the line, as she fulfills all the holes in a relationship that would be setbacks to Karrin and Harry getting together. She's a wizard and can relat to that side of his life, she's going to live a couple centuries (barring anyone dying) and she's already stated how hard its going to be to watch all her friends and family die around her. Thus making her more reliant on her relationship with Harry. But I wonder how she's going to recover from the ordeal set out in gHOST Story, plus however long it takes Harry to get back to Chicago from the  Winter Court.

I did like parts of how his relationship with Molly is changing, as exemplefied by the whole conversation they had in the restaraunt, and the honesty with which molly let out her feelings towards him. Furthermore the revelation that Harry had decided on a ... i guess you could call it a  "pet name" for Molly for when she wasn't his apprentice anymore, sorta puts her on the level with Murphy as being the only other woman in his life with that level familiarity.

Anyway, as excited as i am for the next book in the series, and how many new plot possibilities are now open with Ghost Story, I'm MOST intrigued as to how the dynamic between Harry and all his old friends is resolved.

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