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Messages - topsail25

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Totally stoked for the next one.  I think Mab is so interesting, I cannot wait to see where this goes.  Although, it may be good that everyone thinks Harry's dead if he's still gotta be the Winter Knight, even with his self intact.  I am very curious to see what happens.

     I have a feeling the largest part of the next book will be Harry learning the ins and outs of court life and acting in his capacity as Winter Knight- It will be interesting to see what Mab asks of him and how he goes about fulfilling his obligation while staying true to himself.  One of the biggest curveballs I anticipate will be how time will flow and if/when Harry makes it back to his old stomping grounds (especially after having to be "rehabilitated" by Mab) how much time will have elapsed......Could be running into a little Maggie that isn't so little!  I also can't wait to see how his status as Winter Knight alters preexisting relationships with those like Marcone, Vadderung (sp?), Lily/Fix, The Merlin, etc....

Well, drawing the most obvious conclusion from what Jim said at the NYC Q&A,
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Not even my $0.02 - it's too cracktheory to charge for. :)

     But Lash had said many times (I don't have the books handy to quote....sorry) that she was all about preserving Harry in order to preserve herself.....self immolation was not her schtick and she cared about *existing*.  Lash whispering in Harry's ear is likely not the case because she never existed as far as we know, as something visible outside of the inside of Harry's mind.  Her reflective self should have retained her most basic behaviors, chief among which was self will and self sacrifice were learned later.  That character never struck me as trending towards a metaphysical kamikaze and it seems most logical (or personally appealing, I guess) that she would be characterized as a parasite and that she would be doing all she was ALLOWED to do to keep her host alive.

I wouldn't be too sure of that. She might have started off as a copy. But a copy still has all (some argument on this) of her memories, and a fallen would only be as strong of the vessel they're wearing.

     And, since Lash had been using Harry's lifeforce/energies to sustain herself AND Harry now has access to soulfire (using his soul to turbocharge spells, turning it from passive existence to active usability making many of his spells more real) perhaps Lash can also use it to rebulid/heal or make herself more than she had been.  Also, Harry has a tendency to take on those with considerably greater power and eek out a win or at least a non-loss.

     Should that house of cards stand, the question then begs to be asked.....Did Uriel know Lash was still around and that she would be able to use said soulfire to help herself and that perhaps her self sacrifice was worthy of a little help....and add another layer of future toughness that Harry will need by the time the BAT rolls around.......

     Or maybe I should have just gotten more sleep last night......

I don't think Lash would hold up very well.  At all.  Fallen angel's "thumb print" given free will vs FALLEN ANGEL.  I'm thinking "Oh, I left a smudge on the window... >wipe<".

     Good point.....perhaps if Lash and Harry (team Larry?) combine talents....Wily, crafty, snarkiness from Harry with a heavy dose of high octane White Knightiness and years of experience and know how from lash.....

Just a random thought and I didn't see this anywhere so I hope I am not rehashing another's thoughts.  How groovy would a Lash v. Lasciel throwdown be!  Metaphysical catfight anyone?  (Assuming a remnant of a remnant still remains, of course).

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