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Messages - The Dread Pharaoh Roberts

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Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: March 02, 2011, 07:48:37 PM »
They apparently gather a year's worth of submissions, then dole them out one at a time over the course of a year.  We were notified in December that we'd been accepted, and they put out a line up for the entire year at about the same time, so we could see our names and the title listed for March.  Then the anticipation began...

Didn't help that they didn't update the site until almost 7pm yesterday.  But, the story's there and CGL and I are pleased with our first publishing credit. 

As I've said before: Today the Internet, tomorrow the WORLD!!! (of print publishing)...

Some folks might not agree with that. I admit I sounded snarky with what I got slapped for, but I didn't know how to state it better.

Well, this still isn't the time or place to debate anyone's merits for a hypothetical job that won't be up to the general populace of the board to choose anyway.  Let's try to stay on topic so Fred will get useful info out of this.

When we want people to weigh in on who should or should not be named as moderators, we will tell you. Please do not take this thread as a call for weighing in on who might work as mods. It's not.

Didn't mean to create an issue there.  Shecky just seemed like the responsible type and a good example of a hypothetical candidate for the hypothetical position...

Back on topic, I really do believe having "mini-mods" on the prowl will help reduce the annoyance levels for the 'real' mods.  At least that's my hope...

I've been fairly absent for the past six months or so (a lot of IRL chaos and tragedy...but that's beside the point) but the biggest reason I kept coming back in the couple of years before that has  been the sense of community here, the silly threads (and not just my Secret Hollowed Out Volcano in Weird) and the sheer wit of some of the folks around here.

I do like the idea of a sort of "constable" group of more experienced members who can snuff trouble before it gets started.  That might be a good way to keep things moving smoothly...not so much "board specific moderators" as a roving band of sanctioned do-gooders.  Somehow I see Shecky being involved here...

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: new chat feature. (show the love)
« on: May 29, 2010, 06:35:15 AM »
That I can get behind.  Hmmm...  *takes  a look at his sig, then this post*  I need about eight more sentences...hang on, I'll be back later to finish up...

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: new chat feature. (show the love)
« on: May 29, 2010, 04:35:44 AM »
Truthfully, Fred, I've been wondering why the Angst Corner has been allowed to live for this long, but that's another discussion entirely...

Still, I said my peace about the chat.  I'll truly miss Mac's, and my Secret Hollowed Out Volcano in Weird.  I hope something like the Mac's we all remember comes back - somehow I doubt we'd have all become friends with the late Bob in a chat, nor would we have all stood trembling at the threat of Helen's pun dumpster if not for the persistence of chatting threads.  

I'm not claiming to have answers for the stupid things people do (like reporting a post in a dead, locked thread...I mean, really...).  You can't fix stupid.  I suppose there might not be a "right" answer, but I don't see myself spending much time in chat...that's just me, though.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: new chat feature. (show the love)
« on: May 29, 2010, 02:59:25 AM »
It's good for what it is, but...yeah, it ain't my cup of tea.  I like having threads I can come back to and see what folks were talking about, being able to coment on what a friend seven time zones away might've said at 2am my time, and just plain being able to multi-task on the internet without getting lost.  A chat window like this one pretty much demands full attention, and most of the time that's just not something I can do.
I think there's much more value in having a board where people can just shoot the breeze and be dorks in a few threads rather than being restrictued to using a chat function.  My $.02. :-\

Author Craft / Re: Publisher vs Vanity Press vs e Publish
« on: January 18, 2010, 03:04:38 AM »
A vanity press won't even edit your work, much less help you market it or get it put on any bookstore shelves.  Unless you're going to sell the book yourself, I wouldn't go that direction.  Something I was told by a very successful author is "the author should only sign the check on the back."  If you gotta pay for it, it's probably a scam.

Author Craft / Re: Holy cow Batman, an agent wants 30 pages.... eeck!
« on: June 23, 2009, 03:10:22 AM »
Never give up, never surrender!

How can we help you today? BTW, how do you get in touch with an agent anyway? Are they expensive?

Important piece of advice I've been given by a couple of published authors - an author only signs checks on the back.  If an agent or publisher asks for money, walk away.  Quickly.  They get a percentage of the profits, not a fee up-front.

Author Craft / Re: How Not To Do, Part Deux
« on: April 10, 2009, 02:01:48 AM »
Oh dear God...

Author Craft / Re: Keeping track of characters...
« on: April 08, 2009, 02:49:44 AM »
I fill out a "character sheet" on each character going in, but it fleshes out considerably as I go along.  I do always want to have at least what they look like, and tags and traits identified (see Jim's blog if you don't know what those are).

I'm glad one of us does!

Author Craft / Re: Block Breakers
« on: March 01, 2009, 09:37:32 PM »
Find something to write, even just a random character description - you never know, it might come in handy later on, and it'll get your brain working again.

Author Craft / Re: Military report protocols?
« on: March 01, 2009, 09:20:39 PM »
Check out a used bookstore for an Air Force manual called "Tongue and Quill" - it'll give you an overview of how reports and briefings are written as far as style and structure, but yeah, the terminology and acronyms might give you fits if you try to write one.

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: March 01, 2009, 01:24:32 PM »
Thanks; it's nothing compared to your stuff though.

I doubt I could do as well with wildlife - I really like that pic.

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