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Messages - Aluroon

Pages: [1]
I can't wait for the reactions when they all find out he is alive... would love to be a fly on the wall of the fomor headquarters as they collectivel cry and run screaming out of chicago...

Seriously. I would have paid another $25 for a few more chapters of Dresden showing back up in Chicago and showing everyone why you don't mess with his friends. Or better yet, showing up in time to save the day when the Justice League headquarters was under attack or something and laying a royal beat down on the fomors for doing so. "This is my town."

DFRPG / Re: Comments thread for "The Laws of Magic: Part 2 of 8"
« on: February 18, 2008, 03:57:40 AM »

I do believe the original translation is closer to "Thou shalt not murder" quite different than kill

Actually the original translation going back as far as you can in the old testament is "Thou shalt not murder believers". The rest of you godless heathens are fair game.

DF TV Series / Re: POLL: End Game Opinion of the Series
« on: December 27, 2007, 04:26:51 AM »
I'll be honest, when I started watching the show I was a hardcore book fan and was appalled by the changes. I was one of the people wishing the show would just die so that maybe, just maybe it could get rebooted at the real Dresden Files. I found myself asking how ti could be called the Dresden files when almost nothing seemed the same (including the Hockey Stick and Drum Stick). Eventually however it started to grow on me as the show got more settled into what it was, developed its own world, and so forth. By the end of Second City I was begging for more. Sadly there won't be anymore. :'(

Oh well, thanks for the 12 episodes, I'll hang them on my shelf of great shows that never got a chance next to Firefly.

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