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Messages - The_Tuninator

Pages: [1]
DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Small Favor
« on: December 04, 2012, 06:45:33 AM »
Excellent analysis! Mab is fast becoming one of my favorite characters.

So, the next Knight of the Cross, then?

DFRPG / Re: Extraordinary NPC Thread
« on: July 30, 2011, 06:14:14 PM »
Perhaps Mimic Abilities would be appropriate, given that description.

And thanks for the explanations.

Not a problem! Statting Buffy/Angel characters up is fun.  ;D

I'm having a blast statting the entire gangs for both shows, the DFRPG lends itself extremely well to statting characters with rich backgrounds.

DFRPG / Re: Extraordinary NPC Thread
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:00:20 PM »

Illyria is, as mentioned, a character from the latter half of Angel Season Five, and one of my favorite characters  in any fictional work. I've been on an Angel kick lately and was inspired to stat her up. I'm also working on the entire Buffy Scooby Gang circa S5 and Angel Fang Gang circa S3 for amusement, which I'll likely post up sooner or later.

She's basically an incredibly powerful ancient demon that's taken up residence in the recently-vacated body of one of the main characters. This limits her powers somewhat, but even so she starts out able to walk through dimensional barriers, manipulate space-time, and effortlessly swat aside even the most powerful characters on the show. After a period, she is forced to relinquish a good portion of her power in order to avoid self-destructing. She remains immensely strong and tough, though, and that's the portrayal I chose to stat.

The deal with her shapeshifting (and what makes her such an intriguing character) is that although she's evicted the human whose body she's wearing, the character's (whose name is Fred) memories remain and mingle with hers. As such, she's able to assume Fred's appearance and flawlessly mimic her personality, and the memories begin to force her to deal with human concepts and emotions. It's really quite fascinating.

As far as the Supernatural Sense goes, I recognize it's a bit of a stretch but there didn't really seem to be anything else that worked, so I twisted it a bit to fit.

DFRPG / Re: Extraordinary NPC Thread
« on: July 28, 2011, 03:22:38 PM »
Here's a post-draining Illyria:
(Warning, major Angel spoilers in this post:)

Illyria (Punched A Shark In The Nose)

High Concept: Old One In A Human Body
Trouble Aspect: Perplexed By Humanity
Other Aspects: "Might Of The Old Ones"; "The Burkle Persona"; "Stranger In A Strange Land"; "Drained Of My Power"; "Emotions Are Foreign To Me"

Fantastic: Fists, Might
Superb: Athletics, Endurance
Great: Alertness, Stealth
Good: Conviction, Discipline, Intimidation, Presence
Fair: Empathy, Lore, Rapport, Weapons
Average: Deceit, Investigation, Scholarship, Survival

Subtle Menace

Supernatural Powers
Human Guise [-0]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Supernatural Senses [-1]
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
The Catch (unknown) [+0]

Human Guise:
Illyria can assume the form of the human Winifred "Fred" Burkle, whose body she has possessed, at will. Additionally, Illyria can mimic the personality of Fred exactly; this grants her a default Fantastic (+6) Deceit skill when attempting to persuade individuals that she is Fred. If any of Illyria's strength, speed or toughness powers are activated (willingly or otherwise) while she is in Fred's form, she will revert back to her standard appearance as Illyria.

Supernatural Senses: Empath
Illyria perceives human emotions as most of us might perceive body odor or perfume; to her, they radiate off humans in palpable waves. Her Empathy skill defaults to Fantastic (+6) when Illyria attempts to gauge the emotions of a human.

The Catch:
Even after being trapped in a human body and drained of her power, Illyria remains much tougher and more powerful than most supernatural beings on Earth. Though Illyria can be beaten down by an even stronger foe, such as an emissary of Wolfram and Hart's Senior Partners, the only way to overcome her inherent resistance to all forms of attack appears to be sheer brute force.

Physical: OOOO (OOOO)
Mental:   OOOO
Social:    OOOO

Total Refresh Cost:

DFRPG / Re: Lesser factions.
« on: July 26, 2011, 05:16:06 AM »
Something like the Order of Taraka would be a great fit within the Dresdenverse, especially with the colorful variety of baddies Harry's world sports.

An organization akin to the Watcher's Council would fulfill a useful niche as well, I imagine. There's no real global structure of Clued In mortal hunters in the Dresdenverse that resembles what the Buffyverse possesses in the Watcher's Council. Seeing the number of Clued-In mortals we've bumped into from Harry's perspective alone, there seems to be a definite call for somebody to rally the Clued In pure mortals of the Dresdenverse and point them at the bad guys.

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