« on: July 27, 2011, 06:29:47 PM »
LOL. So much input on the relationship front. I don't think Harry will end up with either Molly or Karrin. I am pretty sure he will end up with Lash.
I know it seems like a stretch but hear me out. Bob said that Lash took a piece of Harry's soul. We know Harry was rewarded for turning down a fallen angel with soulfire. It is not unreasonable to assume that Lash was also given a reward. Remember Harry has free will and was able to make a choice. Lash is a shadow of Lasciel and has a nature. She rebelled against her nature, the nature of a Fallen Angel. I think she will be rewarded with the gift of being human. Though it is possible she has become an angel and is the one truly sponsoring Harry's soulfire!
I would also like to add that Harry as the Winter Knight amplifying his own power plus the sponsored soulfire has to be close to the same power as that of the senior council. I doubt that many off the senior council would be much of a match for Harry!
The white council needs Molly. Their training in defensive mental magic is sub par at best. I suspect that she is well ahead of 90% of the White Council in defensive mind magic. Hell, she lasted way longer against Corpse-taker than either Harry or Lucio ever managed.