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Messages - xanaphel

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DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 31, 2011, 11:07:55 PM »
At this point, largely looking a tgetting in a grid of the city - the specifics of which are to be determined still.

If you are interest, any support would be fantastic.  You can register and contribute here--  Otherwise, welcome to send me a PM/email and we can discuss anything/everything through there!

We'd welcome any good input of any kind, but that in particular.  If you want to chime in, play away, would be happy to have you.

If you're interested in working on the area, definitely check out that forum and add some thoughts there.  Both need the city specifics worked on, as well as the actual building - builders are welcome!

As soon as stunts/powers are in, creation will be complete.  There's no spellcasting or combat or anything yet, but that can all be happily left up to roleplay - and when it does go in (if combat does), it'll be so in a balanced, fair form.  After creation, my goal is going to be an extremely versitile (and easy-to-use) dice-roll command, to allow for taking circumstances, stunts, powers and the like into consideration.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 26, 2011, 02:37:24 PM »
For sure.  I think you are aiming at mud whilst we are heading down the mush route - more IC RP than code base for us :)

Very much a work in progress, with some text to be removed from it - we want to encourage people to buy the books, so will be only putting up bare bones stuff.
Sort of, yep!  Entirely RP-centric, but with a codebase to provide people with a large assortment of tools to work with if they so choose.

I keep thinking over what sort of tools would make a great toolbox.  Cell phones to call friends in other places (though they'd be wonky for wizards), bank records for law enforcement to investigate questionable activity, spellcrafting for practitioners to employ their talents.  Ultimately, though, a superb set of RP utilities-- the ability to append a temporary descriptions to rooms, your own desc, customization for equipment, layered equipment (wearing socks under boots, etc).

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 24, 2011, 05:12:41 PM »

Sorry to butt into the topic so late but we've been working on a Dresden 'verse mush for a little time now and are anticipating a closed beta test shortly.  It seems silly to duplicate effort and we'd welcome interest over our way if folks care to.

We're using MUX #1, have got a grid, wiki, CG (based on the RPG), and looking to have mortal, magic and shifter spheres.

I've actually been making some good progress and have been enjoying working on a game, so I think I may be keeping up with it.  CG is finished, short of stunts and powers (I want to make an in-game editor for all those so more can be easily added).  Otherwise, CG is done a la the DFRPG.  I also want to add scent customization for it, which'll be a straightforward task, but probably saving it for last.

Do you have a website folk can poke around at for more information?

Part of the reason I dove into this was for the eagerness to make a game, particularly a DF one.  Cell phones, banks, email/snail magic, magic (of course), scents, tracking... all the good fun stuff!

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:56:58 AM »
Registered for the forum, though I'm not a techie. My only coding is in html :)
Techiness not required!   ;D

Ideas, interest, and fun.  That's the goal.  Brainstorming and progress, too!  I realize I might be doing all the code myself - it wouldn't be the first time.  That's alright.  I just want to make sure other folk have fun too.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 21, 2011, 07:30:09 PM »
I started a forum, temporarily dubbing the game 'Semiautomagic'.

I haven't had much of a chance to fill in the forums or anything, but anyone interested is more than welcome to pop over there and add their thoughts.  You do need to register before you can view the sections.

Again, any input is most welcome!  I hope we can great discussion going on.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 21, 2011, 05:00:37 PM »
It's really not that bad. It'd just be a system or room/char flags that affect how much latent energy is available to work with and how effective a spell is. It's not trivial but it's not that bad to code, either.

There wouldn't be much point in it for purely roleplay purposes, though.
But it can accent everything with a bit of flair!  If you do a bit of fiery magic in a room that's laden with fire energies, its potency could be a lot more visible.  This wouldn't be too hard to do, really.  Every room (and zone) can have their own fluctuations, changed by the weather, player interaction, and so on.  Doing fire magic would draw some of that pooled energy.

What I had planned to do (and should be simple enough in theory) is just adapt the introduction code that was already in the codebase I was working from to identify people by scent. That codebase already had a fairly extensive tracking system so it'd mostly just be a matter of tying it together than then deciding how you wanted it displayed on the map (assuming you were using one).

It would be fairly easy to apply a 'scent' description on rooms or objects if the builder wanted to use those for clues about an area.  Making that kinda dynamic would be an interesting problem but you might be able to hack something together with mob/room progs.
I'm mostly done with my introduction code, so it shouldn't be a tremendous task to add scent to it, as well.  How did you imagine it working?  Seeing someone as "a being smelling of sewer", then being able to recognize them as "George" when you later discover the smelly-being's name?  Perhaps something as simple as giving everyone a 'scent appearance', and depending on the viewer, use one or the other. 

Smell could be influenced by where a character spends their time (sewers add to their foul odor, for instance).  Objects/rooms could definitely have scents as well, and a "sniff" code could be similar to some sort of tracking, but instead pulling scents from nearby rooms/people/things.

Ideally this system would just be built from the ground up, and making it dynamic wouldn't be too tough.  I've a few ideas already, just need to detail out all what the purposes would be.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 20, 2011, 03:08:03 PM »
Better your than me, then! I set up the TinyMux code on my pc, and actually had a few friends playing, but it was a ton of work and mainly beyond my knowledge base (Brazil helped me a whole lot!)  :)

As a player, I always found the Mush/Mux etc. a difficult environment, but I don't use it often and just don't remember the codes to make things happen. I'm 'way more familiar with the chat room setting. It's also a plus to me that I don't need anything more than my browser to play there!

But I was just throwing the idea out ... no problem ...
Using a MUD base, and starting from the ground up, allows me to make it as easy as possible for people to use, intuitive and simple.  Someone I know built a browser-based MU client that is most excellent, and I'll for sure set that up as well - so if you don't want to, or can't, use a desktop client, your browser is all that would be needed.

I usually felt like MUSH/MUX games had too steep a learning curve just to understand commands and everything, which is another reason I hope to stray from it.  I'd like to make somewhere that any Dresden Files fan can pop in and play, after learning some basic commands (movement, emote).  Complexity/depth for those who seek it, but not necessary upfront. 

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 20, 2011, 02:42:08 PM »
Or - what about one of the rp chat rooms? You/we could get a private room to start and jump directly into rp at - Ask for an admin named ruthe, and I can guarantee that you'll get service with a smile without any deals with the fae!
Honestly, part of the reason for this is that I want to make a game!   ;D

What about Tiny Mux? Good, solid code, and it's been around for a long time. Brazil is still doing upgrades.
I'm entirely unfamiliar with MUSH/MUX code, personally, and always felt they were handled a bit rough-around-the-edges.  To make a game especially unique, I found it best to start from the ground up... and if you start with a code base that has much existing, you spend too much time/effort modifying/removing the systems that aren't right, which often results in breaks...

The only hard part is nailing down the specifics - how stat systems should work, magic, and all that.  If it's more roleplay-geared, than the majority of it (like fight code and all that) isn't so essential.  As long as there's good support for dice rolls and folk to resolve disputes, it should give good grounds  to flourish.  I sent a message to Fred asking if it was possible to use the systems found in the DFRPG, and if so, that answers a lot of questions.  If not, it still shouldn't be too troublesome!

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 20, 2011, 02:37:02 PM »
Code: [Select]
[quote author=Lanir link=topic=172.msg1173197#msg1173197 date=1311135270]
I'd be interested in this but I don't really have much to offer. I've tried helping people flesh out grids before and while the results are okay, it takes me way too long to be worth it. I'm good at making systems do what I want, but my coding skills are pretty lousy.[/quote]
Once it gets going (hopefully very shortly; as soon as this book is done!), whatever you found yourself able/willing to toss in would be welcomed.

[quote author=Lanir link=topic=172.msg1173197#msg1173197 date=1311135270]Thinking the main code you'd need would be something for the magic. Stuff like circles could just add to the difficulty, which you'd have to plug in manually in too many cases to be worth the headache of trying to automate a guessing system. Item code and rote spells would just be shortcuts that give the spell code values for you.
Yeah.  It shouldn't be too bad, really - just break magic down into its different types (Necromancy, Psychomancy, Thaumaturgy, etc...), and Evocation, and just define what can be altered/controlled by the type of magic.  I would like to make it generally more free-form, or at least, for evocation.  Such as "evoke fire at bob" would attempt a fireball at bob, whereas "evoke fire" would do so at the room, and "evoke fire as shield" would make a barrier.

Scent would be a bit troublesome to really do right. Best you could get would be a generic system that works but doesn't tell you much or a more detailed, realistic system that was very patchy. Well sketched out in some places, virtually absent or extremely generic in others. Scent would also need to be on locations and would give you clues about some things if you go more realistic.
I always wanted a scent system, honestly, but it's difficult to do correctly.  Every person could have a generic scent that changes depending on their activities: rooms they hang out in (stinky if they're a sewer lurker), flowery if they dose up regularly with perfume, and so on.

One odd question is MUSHes have varying degrees of consent. Would probably have to think a bit about that and make sure it plays nicely into the ideas DFRPG uses for concessions. This one's just a random thought, I need to re-read that section to see if it's actually something to think about or not.
A great point I hadn't even considered.  Myself, I lean more towards non-consensual, if for no other reason it allows for more fleshed out, unexpected play.  I would say either non-consensual, or only require consent for extreme action (i.e. murder).  If anything that might be ill towards you had to be consent, it always felt to me more like a narrative than a multi-person, cooperative story.  That might just be due to the game environments I grew up in though.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:24:32 PM »
I'm more for MUSH-style trappings, myself.  I'm not sure the world lends itself quite so nicely to hacking down mobs and leveling.  Rather, XP through roleplay, weekly/staff awards, accomplished tasks (small XP bump when you successfully make a potion, for instance?).

The learning curve could fairly easily be represented by requiring more chunks of XP to be spent at a time, I think- a mortal could spend 1 point, where a fae might have to spend 5 at a time (and thus have to save it up).

Again, I suppose, this comes back to what makes DF suitable for a MU*.  For me, it's the depth of the world and endless possibilities for roleplay and character development.

And it gives me an excuse to finally make a cell phone code.   :D

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 18, 2011, 11:35:41 PM »
Yeah but it's often just easier to write your own code for something like this, though. It's nice when you can grab big chunks and drop them in but it's not always feasible. Just kind of depends on what you're trying to do.
I'd definitely take this approach - I much prefer a highly customized, perfectly fitted system.  Not always easier, but much more rewarding!

I'm leaning towards a mix of MUD/MUSH.  I have an eye on a MUD codebase, though I prefer the MUSH style focus on RP, which I plan to draw heavily from.  Surf down the middle and see about appealing to both sides, I figure.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:22:24 PM »
The main things I had on my high priority list were, in no particular order:
a fully functional circle system (to concentrate or isolate energy sources, etc.)
Soem sort of fleshed-out magic system is definitely key.  Anher suggests that the details of the circle might be more than necessary, but it could be worth considering!

a 'mortal' world map with a nevernever analogue that would partially match up with the mortal world, but not tied directly to it, and various ways of crossing between the two. (i also planned for a third out of character realm)
That would be good.  Certain 'hub' locations that connect to the opposite realm.  Like a doorway into the other (uniquely-gridded) plane.

For sure.  Bang bang.[/quote]

tracking capabilities and a good map - tracking via scent, magic and also a 'mortal' tracking skill based upon environmental clues
burial sites with different age levels of bones for necromancy down the line
Scent is slightly tough because everything (and players) must have scents defined.  Of course, they could just be more generic scents unless otherwise specified...

'focus items', things like harry's power rings and shield bracelet which are imbued with energy and abilities
The ability to build a spell into an item would surely be needed, I agree.  Whether it's defensive or wand/potion-like.

without digging into my notes, those are things things i was most concerned about off the top of my
i think the idea of building a framework directly around the fate system might have definite benefits, although i have no idea how fred and co. would feel about it. once that framework was finished, it could then be fairly easily converted for any particular system based on FATE.
I sent a PM to Fred Hicks to see his thoughts and whether or not it's a feasible plan, we'll see what the response is!

if you set it up with DM and player tools, it'd be different from what i think of as a mud/mush but it'd be great to play in.
I'm thinking more standard MU* style, that way a DM isn't required for folk to play and have fun.  What would make this world come alive would be for people to be able to create magnificent plots on their own.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 18, 2011, 03:42:11 PM »
Whoa... talk about thread resurrection...! This would be a pretty neat thing to see revived. I didn't play in them much b/c I wasn't able to find one that appealed, but I'd love to see something like this take off. I'm short on technical skills, but I'm a good brainstormer, good with ideas and would happily help out :)
I was going to make a new thread... but with all the information contained herein, it seemed silly!

Glad to know there's still interest!  I'm hoping to borrow what DFRPG did and use the FATE system for the game, so there would be a strikingly common ground between the two, but more on that as information flows back and forth...

With work and RL and other shenanigans (... finishing the long-awaited 'A Dance with Dragons'), I'm a bit occupied throughout the next week or so.  However, my goal is by then to have the groundwork roughly imagined so that work can begin in earnest.  I'll likely start up a forum or something then, so I'm not straining with the powers of necromancy to keep an undead thread kicking.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 18, 2011, 02:11:57 AM »
Yeah, it's not easy to do it yourself but unfortunately if you're not willing and able to do the lion's share of the work yourself, you're gonna have a hard time drumming up enough interest to support it. It stinks but I'd rather be honest than blow smoke. It's (a little) different if you've got a core of people interested and dedicated up front.  However, when you're starting from scratch, you've got to have enough of a framework built to attract interest from people who will actually be of help...and even then, don't hold your breath.
Oh, quite familiar.  It's what I expect, really.  Merely hoping that there is (or will be) interest enough to make it worthwhile.  Although given the popularity of the books, I can't imagine it not existing!

I intend to continue slogging away on mine but it's largely because I want to see if I can code up some of the crazy ideas I've got in my head. It's just gonna have to wait awhile longer before I can get back to it again.
That's at least half the reason I want one to play with again, myself.  My latest I was playing with craft systems, plants that grow over time, and all the like.  I didn't have a concrete theme, though, so it eventually lost aim and direction.

I think the sad fact of the matter is that these sorts of games are dying. Most of the people who still play them already have homes and there's very little new blood coming into the community.
It's definitely tough.  There's no easy way to spread the word to all the fans of the setting, to perchance pique their interest enough into giving it a whirl.  And even those with the potential to be interested, as you say, may have a comfortable home already.

All that gloom and doom aside, this world is nearly perfect for a MU* and it's a shame that it's not happening.
That's another reason the Dresden world appealed to me.  I've been angling towards something more modern - it's easier for people to immerse themselves that way, if they're unfamiliar with the setting - yet with the flair of magic and otherworldliness.

I'm booked through the next week or two, but my rough-cut plan is to start on some of the core concepts and code thereafter.  It seems the DFRPG is based off FATE 3.0, so I'll likely do some research into that to familiarize myself with it all (I found a useful link somewhere here to the HTML version).  I hope to work something out, get a workable framework into place and ideally find some more steam to launch from there.  May start a blog to report progress and all.  I have generic code I wrote before that would port nicely - mail/item delivery, fully functional banks with wire transfers (add USD and other currencies, or stick with just the one...?), and so on.

Someone in this thread (sorry for the lack of credit at the moment!) suggested using a smaller town, as opposed to a big city.  To allow the game grid to be more dense in usefulness and value, instead of an immense spread of largely useless rooms.  I'm fond of this idea and hope to work with it some.

That makes me wonder about some general questions.  What are some DresdenVerse features that one might consider essential to the theme? 

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: July 18, 2011, 12:13:15 AM »
I understand that all too well.  I recently tried to build a game from the ground up by myself, and it proved to require more than my pair of hands could provide.

If a couple other people, at the least, are interested and willing to contribute, that would be a splendid start.  I've learned against creating just for me - too much work, while enjoyable, with little payoff.  It's hard (or not as fun, at least), to roleplay by yourself!

It seemed like, from this thread (though a significant portion was from a fair time ago) that there was a fair amount of interest.  Although, that's hard to gauge off a single thread.  Curious to hear whatever thoughts lurk out there.

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