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Messages - King_Corey

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: San Diego 2011 Comic Con
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:42:54 PM »
I was really hopeful that some nice JB Fan would record the SDCC July 21,2011 panel and post it on YouTube.

And please, please, please someone video the Penguin panel.

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: July 20, 2011, 01:41:42 AM »
I got to the party LATE, and in a round the bout way, but from the TV show.  I caught it on HULU as a "If you liked...Then try....The Dresden Files".  I had watched the entire "New Amsterdam" show after it was already off air, and so HULU asked if I'd like to watch Dresden, so I did.  It was ok, but I saw the reference to the books.  Knowing that TV and Movies usually screw up great books I went to the local Used Bookstore.  Someone had just sold the first 6 books to the store, so of course I bought the first 3 wanting to limit my enthusiasm.  (Mistake!)
I proceeded to read all 3 within days.  Went back and someone had already bought the rest.  Me not knowing how long the series was set to be, or what the titles were, I just went to the big bookstore, but they were OUT!
So I go to the NEXT big book store, buy every one was missing up to TURN COAT.  Then I had to wait.....I don't like to wait....
I finish the TV Series, realize that it is so far off from the book so as to be it's own "THING" but now taken with the light of the books...

Now I pre-order and get delivery on release days.

So no matter how much people didn't like the TV show I realize I would have missed the Books without it and I have an affinity for the actress that played Bianca (Hawt is an understatement!)  Also I have now made 4 others go and read all of the books and they are begging to be the first one I loan GHOST STORY to when I finish it.  I suspect 2 of them have pre-ordered and the other 2 decided to catch the Harry Potter movie that week instead to give some breathing room before they have to go and get the book.

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