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Messages - teamlash

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: How do YOU plan your stories?
« on: July 22, 2011, 07:07:05 PM »
I think my best story ideas come from my nightmares. Which is just as well, 'cause nightmares are all I have. I've never had a good dream in my life. My nightmares give me some pretty twisted ideas.

Of course, I'm the sort who likes to read books that have good endings, so it wouldn't make sense for me to write a horror book with a horror ending, which is what might happen if I let the nightmare write the whole book, but which is not the sort of book I have the stomach to read. Therefore, the twisted stuff from my nightmares is best placed at the beginning of the book, leaving me to figure out how to get a good ending out of it while awake.

For the organizing my disorganized thoughts, I find the open source writing program Storybook to be of assistance.

Oh you poor thing *hugs* I hope you have good dreams one day.

And yep, I have storybook :D I love using it to keep my characters in order!

Author Craft / Re: How do YOU plan your stories?
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:13:10 PM »
Oh gosh, I wish I could do that!
My brain is about as disorganised as Harrys' lab though, so I have to have an outline.
How do you hold everything together in your head?  :)

I think that Jim put the spirit there so he'd be able to have a murph/kincaid reunion  ;D

Author Craft / How do YOU plan your stories?
« on: July 22, 2011, 02:31:00 PM »
So I apologise if this is a repeat thread, and/or is in the wrong place.
Yesterday I used Jims' blog to begin planning a book I've wanted to write for years, and his method is like gold dust!

However I do know that there are a hundred ways to write a book, so I wondered which method everybody used :)

Author Craft / Re: First verses Third
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:45:16 AM »
I write part of my story in the first person, then switch it away to third person for a couple of chapters so that the reader knows what's going down, even if the protagonist doesn't. A lot of people say that you can't do that, but there are no rules to fiction :D write in whichever way makes you happiest and feels right!

Author Craft / Re: Disorienting experience
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:43:43 AM »
There is even some blatant rip-offs out there that have done very well.  I don't remember the series, but one of Terry Brooks' series is Lord of the Rings with a few things changed.  I actually had a friend that wrote and self-published a book filled with things that he stole from his favorite video games.

I have no idea why, but I find this incredibly amusing  :D

Meh, this is total hypothesis, but I think it's possible, that being spirit beings, physical dimensions don't really matter, and their "bodies" are in the coins too.  I kind of imagine pockets of the NN trapped in the coins kinda the opposite of how a dream can create a pocket in the NN...

It's a very good hypothesis, and the basis of a lot of angel-based mythology. I'm just a wishful thinker :D

So would that mean that if the Outsiders (hypothesising of course) were the ones to be imprisoned beyond demon reach, that they would have to be physical creatures at least in part?

I always wonder (okay, hope) whether stepping through to the NN on Demonreach leads to the place where the -real- fallen are stuck (like the cavern mentioned in the book of Enoch, for example). I know that there's a fallen angel in each of the blackened Denari, but I never really saw that as the 'physical' angel.

Lash was a copy, right? Well I've always thought that the angels inside the coins were just the spiritual aspect.
So maybe their bodies/physical forms are hidden somewhere in the NN? That probably made no sense, excuse my rambling xD
Maybe there are other dark beings stored there, and Maggie was supposed to guard them?

Either that, or it's a gateway to the outer gates, the ones that the outsiders live behind (as you mentioned)

OH, could the old ones have been the watchers/nephilim?

I'm going to stop hijacking your research and dive into a pile of musty books, my apologies xD
Thanks for making me think though ^_^

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