You and me have alot in common my friend.
Sometimes i can just be sitting there doing nothing and i find myself creating 10 fantasy worlds at the same time. Its enough to make me wanna go camatose when i try and write. So heres what i do, even tho i doubt it will work for you. I snap my fingers, alot. Hear me out on this. Ever since i was a kid i could snap every finger on my right hand, so i make a little beat with my fingers, interpose another beat in my head and lo and behold im creating musiQ....atleast in my head. It probably just sounds like random finger snapping to anyone else but to me its musiQ. Annoys the hell out of friends, aquaintances, and random people on the street. But helps me focus.
It takes me forever to write, because i gotta take breaks to re order my thoughts, but hey its beats a coma..right?
The Gnome