« on: April 21, 2007, 04:53:28 PM »
I haven't had many GM-spots (my first horrendous game is to blame) in my group since I'm mostly a player, but I will be GM-ing this RPG for sure.
Rules will probably be something along the lines of:
1) A preference of not highly powered characters. Dresden has said that there are lots of lower powered people in the city, as is evident in WN - lots of dabblers with good intentions.
2) White Court/Order of St. Giles will be allowed with a VERY good back story.
3) Humans need an even BETTER back story than the Vamps. they are not supposed to know in the first place. It'll be like running a Call of C'thulhu game without a good back ground.
4) Group input on the characters. I like some balance, but overlap can work well occasionally...
They'll probably evolve while we actually play the game and the players get a better grasp of the system.