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Messages - Princess of Pique

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at RT Convention
« on: May 03, 2007, 07:40:20 PM »
Have you ever have a day to were you feel like the biggest dolt in the world. Well, today was that day for me. I work right across the street from the where the RT Con is being held, as a security guard at the Allen Centers. I remember Mr.Butcher was to have a panel today between the hours of 5 and 6. So what do I do, I get 20 bucks and run across the street , yes in my stupid uniform. Now knowing nothing at all about Cons or asking anything about them I run into the Hyatt asking just about everyone person, which happened to be 90% women, if they knew who Jim Butcher was , when and where he was doing the book signning. With the help of four ,one of them being someone I saw at the dinner, that the book signning won't be until Satuday. I also got a crash course in how cons work from two women, one had a nickname of Chaoscat and the other lady worked at Lanes Library. Now, feeling like the biggest jasckass known to man I go back to work. See, I should have known better I should have checked the infromation and I should known times can change. I am sure you are wondering why I feel like the biggest dumbass...You run thru a hotel ,in stupid ass white security guard uniform ,FULL of women asking for Mr.Butcher and see how you feel. So, now that I know how cons work I'll be sure to check the information. If you were at the cons between the hours of 5 and 6 and saw some moron running around in a white sercuirty guard uniform ...that was me....go me yea :-\

I was the one from the dinner that you spoke to. You didn't seem like an ass at all. You seemed like a devoted fan. Nothing wrong with that.


Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at RT Convention
« on: April 25, 2007, 03:34:33 AM »
Sorry I didn't see that question before. I've been at the hotel since Sunday. There was no service from the hotel to get to the hotel. There is a "super shuttle" that costs $22 per person. Hubby and I took a cab - 48 dollars.    :o

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at RT Convention
« on: April 25, 2007, 12:31:51 AM »
I am already on the list of attendees, I was supposed to come with blue moon but she can't come. I've already communicated with Liddy about sharing cab. Question: is there room for one more?


Author Craft / Re: Need help.
« on: April 21, 2007, 01:10:01 AM »
Your story takes place in the real world, but involves the world of magic. Perhaps there is another dimension, or plane of existence that exists at the same time and in the same place as the linear reality we know. This is where your 'academy' can be. Perhaps through magic a portal will open and your characters can step through to where the council or whatever sits, where they can look out and see the real world like cops watching a suspect behind a two-way mirror.

The most wonderful thing about world building is that there are no research requirements. You can create anything you want. So sit down and plan it all out, even to the tiniest detail so that you know how everything works. Then...don't include everything in your story.

Keep writing and have fun, and I hope my input helps.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at RT Convention
« on: April 21, 2007, 12:57:39 AM »
It looks like I won't be able to make dinner Wednesday night after all.  :'(  My +1 may still come, though. 

I'm her +1, and yes I am still coming! I was so sorry to hear she wasn't coming. We belong to the same online writers' group and have been reading each other's work for a couple of years now.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at RT Convention
« on: April 21, 2007, 12:55:27 AM »
Kirra, there's a diferent local bookseller each year who provides the book stock for the signing. (Gotta love it, Kathryn goes for an indie instead of a chain!) This year, it's Katy Budget Books. Generally the publisher has the biggest say in what's on the table, although I did get to select three titles I wanted.

This is, of course, the view from the peanut gallery. The Name Authors at the larger tables around the perimeter of the room will have a wider selection and far more copies of each title.

I'm curious to see what shows up. It's common for some books to get lost or misplaced, and there will be authors sitting at a bare table or with only a couple of copies. Cathy had this happen, where only two or three copies made it to the signing. Since I get in before the general public, I race around and scoop up what I want, to make sure I get them. Call it compensation for helping distribute the books in the ballroom that morning. It works off excess energy - Crikey, I have to sit for three hours! Right through lunch! - and has a few perks.  ;D Yeah, I'm one of those few writers who aren't drained by the constant socializing at this kind of event. I've been called a psychic vampire by a couple of frustrated introverts because my energy level tends to rise over the week. (I'm not feeding off them, I'm not, I say!)

Be sure to navigate the throng to find me. I look forward to seeing you there!


This will be my first book signing as an author. I know I won't have many copies of my first book at my table. So I have a few other things to supplement. If you're there, you'll see me fairly soon upon entering. My pen name is Morgan Ashbury, and I'm published by Siren Publishing. :D

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at RT Convention
« on: April 21, 2007, 12:52:22 AM »
I'm still raising an eyebrow that Jim's stuff isn't romance, and Shannon's is...yet Shannon isn't on any panels, and Jim is on 3.

Maybe because Shannon is a newly published author, and also, RT is focusing on "urban fantasy" this year. Their last issue had an interview with Jim and other authors about urban fantasy, treating it like a 'new' genre.

 :D  Thank you very much! Now I don't need to get new eyes.


Well, when I want to respond to a pm, there is a box that appears, with 5 letters, varying in size, blue in color with a fuzzy background of varying sized chunks of blue "bits" and before my response will be accepted I have to get the letters right.

To borrow an old saying, it's a pain where I can't put a plaster. Don't need to change browser font size as some of the sizes of the letters are small and some are large.

Could possibly use new eyes.

I find it very difficult to distinguish the letters some times. Today I tried "listening to the letters"; the recording only had some of the letters and then it froze my computer. Three times before I finally 'guessed' right!  :D

Is there any way these letters can be a bit easier to see?


Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: April 17, 2007, 09:20:50 PM »
I write under the name Morgan Ashbury, and I write erotic romance. My first e-novel was released March 1, and a novella was released April 1. The first one will be available in print next month. My second novel is scheduled for July, and I've signed a contract for a three-book series. My web site:

I've been writing most of my life, and have completed many novels but only found a publisher last year at RT.


Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: April 17, 2007, 09:09:24 PM »
I hope you all don't mind if I add to your discussion. I've been a member of an online writers' group on Kelley Armstrong's web site for the last 2 and a half years.

Reading some of the comments on the last page here has prompted me to give you a bit of advice.
It's nice to have people give you critiques on your work; but by far, you learn more about writing, and become a better writer, by critiquing the work of others.

When you are doing a critique of someone else's work, your mind is open, looking for what makes the work good, and what needs to be improved; so you are actively thinking about the elements of good prose.  That active thinking sooner or later penetrates the cerebral cortex, and is adopted by the creative side of your brain.

One more bit of advice, if I may. When someone critiques your work, there are basically three responses you will have to their input:
1) "Holy cow, batman, why didn't I think of that?"

2) "Mmm. That's interesting. I'm going to have to think about that one."

3) "Well, this person obviously has no clue whatsoever."

And that's as it should be. Because only you are the creator of your story.




Author Craft / Re: plot issues
« on: April 11, 2007, 12:48:42 AM »
Hi, I'm new, I'm a published author, and I thought I'd throw in my two cents worth.  :D

To my way of thinking, the best plots are character driven. That said, perhaps your lack of plot points is a result of not knowing your characters inside out and backwards.

For any novel, you should have a lot more information about your characters than you ever directly reveal; and when the characters are real for you, then you know how they would react in any given situation. The beginning of the plot is: somebody wants something, and somebody or something is working against that want. When you know your characters well, it's easier to have them do what comes naturally to them.

Hope that helped a bit.

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