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Messages - Xenith

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction - Good or Evil?
« on: April 10, 2007, 04:55:34 AM »
I like fan fiction and am tremendously grateful to it. I was a part of X Files fandom while it was hot and wrote fanfic for about 4 years. Before I got involved, I didn't know I could write but disovered that I could after I wrote my first couple of stories. There is nothing like the thrill of writing a hot story with lots of cliff-hangers!

Am I stealing somebody else's characters? No, I'm borrowing them and not making a dime off it. In XF at least, the creator has implicitly given his fans permission to write (he used the name of a fan-fic writer in two eps of the X Files as a sympathetic character). That said, fan-fic is only good to teach you plotting, basic writing, dialog but not character development since you're taking a given character and taking it from there. I'm ready to create my own primary characters now, although I did have a blast with the plotting. I just need a place to do it and, hopefully, sympathetic and knowledgeable people to write with.

I haven't written in other genres and don't plan to borrow Harry or anybody else from the Dresdenverse!

Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: April 10, 2007, 04:45:56 AM »
Okay, how do I join the "by invitation only" writers' group? I'm an unpublished writer, although I've written bunches of fan fiction in the X Files genre. (Don't worry, Jim, I won't touch your world or Harry either!) I want to learn how to develop my own characters and am interested in a general supernatural/detective genre. My big problem is sitting down, or actually running fast, to write it. Traditionally I 'write' while running on a treadmill or doing some other activity, then sit down to decant what I've written into a computer.

So how do I go about it?


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