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Messages - PrimaKrieger

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: help..someone...please....
« on: April 12, 2007, 02:44:00 AM »
I have this problem too, it's really annoying.

I have plot bunny attacks all the time, it happens a lot when I'm reading books or fanfics, sometimes it happens when I'm watching TV or writing a story. I really don't have any advice to offer but to say stick with one thing. Write down the plot bunnies as they come to you and then stick with the one that you're working on. That's what I'm doing, I'm trying to stick with one thing until I'm done with it. . . right now it's an SW fanfic and after I'm done with it I'm gonna get back to my writing my fantasy novel. . . if I can just stay disciplined and write it.


Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: April 08, 2007, 08:02:23 PM »
Hi my name is Josh and I'm an aspiring author (obviously).

I'm working on two novels bother of them pretty much still being outlined.

The first one is traditional fantasy, the idea was sparked by a lot of fantasy roleplays on various sites, most of which I'm glad that I can't remember. I've been writing for about five or six years and the idea for this story has been nagging me for about 3.5 years. It's basically about a war for freedom where the slaves rise up and try to take down their masters because they can no longer stand how they have been treated for the past four hundred years and remember what it was like to be free. It's about the sacrifice of the main character who is leading the slaves into battle. (It's written in the third person)

The second one is an urban fantasy novel that was sparked, rather ironically, by the Dresden Files. It centers around a pyromancer, yep, you read that right. I'm a pyromaniac so I figured that I might as well have as much fun with my character as possible. Basically my character is looking for a Wizard to take him as an apprentice and train him- specifically in the area of emotional control- so that he can become a full Wizard. His main talents are- of course- in the fire elemental but he had other strong areas too. Basically he's just your average kid until he's arrested for burning someone to death. During the book he tries to prove his innocence and find out who framed him, all while trying to find a master.

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