I've read a bunch of them, some useful, some not, and some that were amazingly useful. Do you have a book or three that helped you out?
The ones I recommend are:
- How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy - Orson Scott Card: great overview
- Characters and Viewpoint - Orson Scott Card: no one writes characters like him. It is part of "The Elements of Fiction Writing" series. The rest are good too and focus on different aspects of the craft. I believe Jim learned from William Noble, who wrote Conflict, Action, and Suspense in the series.
- Writing the Novel - Lawrence Block: a good overview of all the aspects of novel writing
- The First Five Pages - Noah Lukeman: indispensable guide to editing. Tells you, in order of importance, what things make editors and agents reject a book.
- The Elements of Style - William Strunk and EB White: no list would be complete without it. Grammar rules, tight writing style, common mistakes to avoid, and witty as well. What's not to like?