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Messages - RealtaNala

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at RT Convention
« on: April 20, 2007, 01:17:10 AM »
You can attend the Saturday book signing for $5.00, payable at the door. :) Also you can bring books that you already own to the signing and the authors will be happy to sign them for you. You must have them tagged before you go in so they won't try to charge you for them as you leave. The book signing is very casual and fun and it is great to see all your favorite authors in one place! Be prepared to stand in line for the bestselling authors like Charlaine Harris, Chrstine Feehan and Jim. I found that the earlier you get there the better. I think the book fair opens for the general public usually around 10:00. Hope to see you there! :D
Go to and click on the convention icon.

I will be there on Saturday.  I live close to Houston so it's not far to drive.  I've never been to the RT Con, but I'll be there with a friend who has.  Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you there.  :)

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