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Messages - Tersa

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*laughs*  That's a very good point, neurovore.  Thus why it is near impossible to talk to anyone on my college floor... and thus why I have retreated to message boards when people I know are busy.  ;D

To all of you, thank you for responding.  I was having a bad spell last night, because like MSD said, a bunch of options hit me in the face.  It's amazing I don't have a black eye like Harry often does.  *Snickers to self*  "Raccoon..."

I actually had an experience like Franzeska mentioned not too terribly long ago, where I was wondering what the publishers were smoking when they gave someone a contract.  I have found the fantasy and romance sections are quite good for having those types of realizations. ;)

I'm honored. *bows* and amused *snickers*.

You are welcome to come play with us on the dresdenverse if you'd like. We have a whole section for non Dresden characters where you can have your characters interact with other people's characters for development's sake.

*raises eyebrow*  ... I feel like I've been offered one of thirty certain pieces of silver... I love playing with other people's characters to work out things... *eyes link*   *schemes* 


I just hope you don't regret inviting me. >.<  I will try my best to prevent that, but my characters can be... interesting at times.  Twist archangels with their human counterparts and odd things often result, especially when my version of magic seems to center around playing with elements and molecules.

Tersa -

Take a deep breath... relax... there... better?

First off, no one's too much of a bloody n00b around here to post anything. As for the rest, you're human...

I've been where your head is at, and there are a few things I can assure you....

You're not insane, and...

You've got too many possibilities in your face, overwhelming you.

Take one character... develop him/her to be someone you would care about enough to want to live rather than die. Drop him/her in a situation, and see how he/she responds. Lather, rinse, repeat. Once you have a few characters that stand up in the wash, go from there.

The best sort of writing is Character driven, in any genre. Without Dresden's wit and quirks, and self-defeating chivalry.... he's just another wizard named Harry. Redundant at best in a sea of heroes. You want to improve, stop trying to write the the "right" story and go play with your characters for a while.


That's the most sane advice anyone's ever given me.  How sad that it had to come from an online forum... *Sigh* 

*bows respectfully*  Thank you.

Though I'm pretty sure Raphael is going to be pissed if I try to lather him... heh.  Maybe I'll start on Jake, I'm less likely to be injured.   *Snicker* 

Author Craft / Re: Ethical Question
« on: April 07, 2008, 01:46:52 AM »
I think  graves meant actually doing the "murder" of your Plot in real life against real people...

Personally I wouldn't feel responsible, but I would be REALLY weirded out by it.

Ahh, see, that's why I shouldn't post on here, I'm an idiot.  :-[

But I concur with M.S.D.  It's not your fault, just bizarre...

Author Craft / Re: Ethical Question
« on: April 07, 2008, 01:43:18 AM »
Er... what do you mean?  If you mean doing that to someone else, I have had people jack my characters and what not before, and I went off on them.  Pulling inspiration is one thing, copying is another.  It's fine to get ideas and inspiration, just twist it to make it yours. 

I have a question.  Maybe I'm too much of a bloody n00b to post this, or haven't made enough posts for a while, or maybe this is just a strange mood talking. 

I just finished reading Small Favor (no, I'm not going to spoil anything) and talking to a local published author.  I have a pretty decent friend editing team, and a great english prof.  I have encouragement on all fronts.   

I have no idea what the hell right I have to write.

Okay, that makes no sense, so maybe I should clarify how I think about writing...  When I write, I don't think of it as creating, really, I think about it as... I'm a scribe for the loonatics residing in my skull.  But after reading Jim and a number of other books, some ameteur fanfiction that is just amazing when the writer doesn't even have english as a first language, I feel like a bumbling fool.  I'm utterly inarticulate.  It's like I have the same paints as the good authors do, but I'm trying to freaking fingerpaint when I need a millimeter fine brush.  I have no idea how the heck to improve.  I give myself assignments, I try to work out characters, and none of it seems to do much.  I'm an English/Psych major.  I already had to let go of one of my favorite sciences, chemistry, because the kind I like is outdated, all done by computer now.  I'm just wondering if in writing I'm going to have the same problem.

If I try to write romance, all people seem to want is smut, and a certain amount of jaded-ness seems to have killed my ability to construct gossamer webs of romance.  I fail utterly at constructing other worlds, sci-fi and fantasy is out.  Urban fantasy is my niche, and yet I can't come up with decent characters. 

I'm not going to ramble anymore, I don't even know what the hell I'm saying... Just looking for anyone in similar positions, or if anyone knows what on earth I'm rambling about.  *head/desk*

So close and yet so far!  Nooo!  *is poor college student in Nebraska with no car*  I don't suppose anyone here has the authority to make the request that he swing by a major city (ha) in Nebraska, by any chance, do they?

Author Craft / Re: Character Names
« on: January 14, 2007, 06:40:52 PM »
Maybe I overthink things, but I feel that the name should reflect the character's personality.  For one thing, I wouldn't have named that character Robert Frost anyway if I'd thought about it for another five seconds or so because his main magic is based on fire.  Plus, I like having something that ties the character's name to the character's personality to make it easier for readers to remember.  If I name a minor character "Aiden", then you'll think of fire (Aiden means "Flame-bringer" or something like that).  If he is a very passionate person with his feelings always at the surface, this ties the name to the character and makes it easier to remember.  However, if he was a very cool and collected person, then it would be the wrong name for him.  I mean I could randomly look up the cast and grew for Day of the Dead and start matching up names, but then it'd lose a lot of meaning.

And I can't change names.  I've tried, but it doesn't work.  In one project I was working on, there was man and a woman who were originally siblings both from Houston, TX.  I then changed the male character to being from Ireland and having moved to the US a few years previous to the story.  However, I could not bring myself to think of the character as anything other than the name I had originally chosen for him.  So now I'm forced to figure out a believable way to have her still be from Houston and him from Ireland yet still keep them siblings.

The Abstruse One
Darryl Mott Jr.

I don't think you over think things, but maybe that's because I'm the same way.  *Sweatdrop*  I have to stick with the name I gave them, and even if I don't, the character radically changes to suit what I think of when I hear that name. 

What I do is go to sites with histories or meanings of names and looking for one that suits my characters.  I wander around the various baby name sites for first names and middle names, and then I go to a place called House Of Names ( has family crests and gives rough insight to what a last name's history and meaning is through the symbols on the crests.  You have to do quite a bit of work to find what a symbol means sometimes, but I think it's worth it.  I hope this helps.

Author Craft / Re: Him or me? First vs third person
« on: January 01, 2007, 02:01:33 AM »
I don't think it has to be first person.  I think it's fun to read it that way, but from an author's perspective... I'm currently writing an urban fantasy-ish story, and I'm trying to write in first person and it is HARD.  It's great and flows so well for my main character's style of talking, but it's hard to find my way around when I've read so little fiction written that way.

Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: December 10, 2006, 04:10:17 AM »
Eeee!!! You rock for doing this for us, Mickey.  Many virtual chocolate chip cookies for you. *Gives Mickey a plate of said cookies*  ;D

Author Craft / Re: Favorite Words?
« on: December 03, 2006, 08:42:04 PM »
I need to post the most overused word in my writing on here... sigh.   So many types of sighs, used for so many different purposes, and all of them seem to show up in my writing.  ;D 

Author Craft / Re: Working against yourself
« on: December 02, 2006, 02:12:25 AM »
I have a problem of introducing too many characters at once, but my major problem is that I want to know everything about every character with a decent sized part, and you just can't freaking do that when you're writing from first person POV.  I have real problems focusing on my one main character, not because he doesn't interest me, but because I try to make all my characters interesting and I keep going "Hey, wait!  YOU!  Get back here!  Why'd you do that?!" and trying to figure out every detail of their minds while my main character is neglected and sitting forelorn, asking "But... What about me?" Because of this little habit, I know less about my main character and how he thinks than anyone else, a slight problem when you're writing from his perspective...

Author Craft / Re: Any WriMo's out there?
« on: December 02, 2006, 01:50:59 AM »
I didn't win this year, sadly.  :(  I'm still continuing the story, though, so all is not lost.  If I just hadn't tried to research, I might have made it.  But probably not. 

Ah, well.  There's always next year.  In the meantime, I get to work on Angelic Rhapsody all I want.  ;D

Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: November 05, 2006, 01:23:09 AM »
Same here.  Don't push yourself too hard and make yourself sicker.  *gives Mickey virtual chicken soup*

Author Craft / Re: People Watching II
« on: November 05, 2006, 01:20:43 AM »
I go nuts! O.o  I can't stand people reading over my shoulder.  At least let me edit and clean up my writing so it's not quite so terrible when you read it, people... ;)

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