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Messages - ery13

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: June 23, 2011, 11:52:21 PM »
one quote I love that I wish I had a shirt with
"People suck....but persons are worthwhile...always"

DFRPG / Re: Looking for an odd "mission" from the fae
« on: June 22, 2011, 09:12:11 PM »
So now that we've helped out with a bunch of "why" suggestions, here are some examples of odd requests.

Switch a pair of identical dogs owned by identical twins who never met.
Retrieve the last cigarette butt to be swept out of [insert local stadium here] after a serious home team loss, and give it to [insert odd NPC]. Then make sure the last one has a piece of gum stuck to it, and decide whether the addition makes it invalid.
Hug your state Senator.
Make sure a particular deli passes an upcoming health inspection. The deli has no obvious tactical, supernatural or political value.
Rescue someone who will drown in [insert body of water here] in the next week. Don't give an actual day or time.

I like where you are taking this and wish to join in.

Buy one packet of peanutbutter eminems from every (insert gas station) within city limits and deliver all of the green eminems to (isnert NPC).

Search every bathroom in (insert biggest building in town) and find out which one drains the wrong way.

Go to the local park and find a rose, a daffodil, and a lilly, and then throw them in the fountain at exactly 10:53 PM

Collect two monkeys, one penguin, and a zebra from the zoo and report back to me.

DFRPG / Re: Looking for an odd "mission" from the fae
« on: June 22, 2011, 04:35:06 PM »
Idea 1: Missing
Can always go the "one of my charges is missing and I can't find them" route.  The Fae is looking for a changeling of theirs (for any number of reasons) but they've gone missing.  Pick any antagonist to be holding them, maybe even a former ally of the group's for high drama.  

Idea 2:
Someone is trying to incite conflict within the supernatural community.  Various incidents that appear to be abusing if not out-right breaking the accords is putting the supernatural community at their throats.  The fae in question is being looked at as the scapegoat (maybe they even look like a goat haha).  They ask a favor/call in a favor to get the group to help them.  

When faced with the Denarians

Real Men: Fight them tooth and nail trying to bring down as many as they can in combat
Real Roleplayers: Fight the urge to be seduced by their powers and attempt to foil their plans without combat.
Real Lunatics: Offer them tea, crumpets (and diedra a haircut)
Real Munchkins: Try and bind all 30 coins to their service at once

@Glendower that is an awesome game, I'm glad it worked out...although now I'm kind of sad for really sad...and demand a Happy Ending!!!! haha.

Good call on the "Caring about Diane" part. I haven't run it yet, but I gotta disagree about Damocles. The key to him I think, is going to be making him seem silly at first, but you gotta work him to be a badass. I was already going to include him in my game, and this was going to be the preview so when he DID show up, the players would already know him. He'll be a nice red herring of a BBEG, and because he's so ridiculous, it'll be all the more galling when he keeps surviving, returning and occasionally handing them their asses. He'll be the red herring to Eric's dark magickery, but maybe a bit more involved later than they thought.

This seems like a great idea, especially if he somehow can get the players to do a few things for him before the big reveal!

Aaaand I have a Buffy flashback.
"These will not protect you!" (for those who don't know: Clicky)
My favourite random nonsense whatsoever  ;D

As for the rest, I like lists like that  :D

How about "Playing a pure mortal":
Real men: Will play himself, only a little lot more buff.
Real roleplayers: He will do a lot of research to finally play a character that is as different from himself as possible to create a roleplaying challenge for himself.
Real Loonies: Plays a cheese salesman. Or a pure mortal cheese.
Real Munchkins: Somehow plays the only pure mortal that can shift into a wolf and throw a weapon:8 fireball with each paw.

I Lol'd

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