To get a press pass, you need to either show creds from the publication, or, if you write for a website, you have to show the website you write for and that you are a writer for it (business card, letter from site stating you're a writer for them, etc.). CC's idea is that the more press, and electronic FAR outnumbers regular press, the better publicity for CC. Of course, it's now sort of backfired, because they get SO much press, and Hollywood's come a-knocking, that the press aren't geeks anymore, but all the obnoxious pretty people from E! or Entertainment Tonight with their hair extensions and phaliic microphones.
Speak for yourself! I am 100% grade-A geek meat-- and professional journalist.
That said, it sounds like there might be a slightly smaller Hollywood quotient this year; a couple of companies (including Warner Bros.) will still be present in the exhibit hall, but won't be making a big presentation of any upcoming flicks.