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Messages - Rafaella

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: What Makes A Play-By-Post Game Last?
« on: June 15, 2011, 11:20:48 PM »
With a bunch of mature people that don't play to win, and play for a story, it could work out really well. One of the main places where I played could have had some amazing truth and betrayal and redemption story arcs for characters, but people weren't willing for their characters to "lose", so it never could really work out.

Sigh. Ah, the Imperium.

That's the thing with Team8Mum's game. There have been some spectacular failures but they're sometimes even created by the players when they make a better story. My character made a huge mistake, more or less ended up selling her cousin to the devil. I could never quite believe she'd been that stupid. It was tied into a huge story arc - more like two story arcs I suppose - and several years later it made perfect sense.

No mechanics, we seem to do fine without them. There's been the odd occasion when I've decided my character's going to do something utterly outrageous. She normally gets to do whatever it is but I've learned that the backlash is very rarely worth it.

DFRPG / Re: What Makes A Play-By-Post Game Last?
« on: June 06, 2011, 10:19:20 AM »
I've been in Team8Mum's PBeM / play by post game for about 18 years now, all that time playing more or less the same character (Rafaella).
The thing about her game is that it feels more like writing a collective story, or group of stories. Sometimes we'll all take turns to write, sometimes if she's busy or there's something particular you want to chase... you just get on with it and as she says, it means no-one's really dependent on the GM or anyone else. It also means you end up taking a major role in creating the world, which I gather happens a lot in Dresden too.

DFRPG / Re: Uk Game Expo con game report
« on: June 06, 2011, 10:06:49 AM »
Nice to meet you too, Sanctaphrax. (I'm Charlotte)

This was my first experience of Dresden and I loved it - I'll definitely be there for Sue's submerged game if / when it happens and hopefully bringing Priscilla. She reminded me very strongly of a long-running character I had who had very similar "The best reaction would be to kill everybody but they're all telling me I can't do it" issues. In the end Flame just couldn't handle it & had to be removed from the reality before she caused an apocalypse, but it feels like there's more hope for Priscilla, especially with the child to focus on. I think she learnt from this mission that sometimes words can actually fix things and that she might be able to find another future for herself.

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