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Messages - Sidara

Pages: [1]
Word used to go nuts when you used passive sentence construction, although you can turn it off.

I use OpenOffice now, personally, although I don't use the grammar checker.  I re-read things pretty extensively and I can pretty much guarantee that one of the people who betas will pick up any grammatical mistakes.

Author Craft / Re: Present tense
« on: May 17, 2007, 11:58:18 PM »
It drives me absolutely nuts and I find it unreadable if done for an entire novel.  Short stories or interludes, fine.

I saw an older episode list where "What About Bob?" was in fact the season finale, so it's entirely possible if this was true, that the mag went to press on this basis (probably a month or two ago).

DF TV Series / Re: Spoiler Tags!
« on: April 06, 2007, 10:37:49 PM »
We now have a spoiler tag; use it whenever you're posting something with a small amount of spoiler content on a non-spoiler board, or if you're posting an "off-topic spoiler" for a particular spoiler board (for example, if you talk book spoilers on the TV show spoiler board, the book stuff should be inside a spoiler tag).

You, sir, are a god.  Thank you!

As someone who occasionally suffers from a bad back, I can say that the last thing you want to do is put it out (lying in bed staring at the ceiling is really not very interesting).  And the last thing a show needs is a leading man with a bad back.

I'm glad that Paul seems to know when enough is enough.

For holidays, I recommend Italy, around the Bay of Naples.  I stayed in Sorrento a few years back and it was absolutely fabulous.

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: March 16, 2007, 02:36:54 AM »

I'd heard of the books, mostly because I was in Buffy fandom at the time and people mentioned that James Marsters was doing the voice-overs (ironically this put me off because I was terribly terribly sick of Spike).

Didn't really think anything else of it until I was in the States a few weeks ago and channel surfing, and the lovely Mr Blackthorne appeared on my screen.  After I'd picked my jaw up off the floor and mopped up the drool, I watched the rest of the episode (it was Hair of the Dog).  Went straight to the bookstore and bought Dead Beat and Proven Guilty as the others were out of stock.  Read em, and now I'm addicted, and busily trying to get friends into the show/books.  Currently I've read everything up to about a quarter of the way through Blood Rites, which is leaving me in something of a panic as it's the last unread book I have!

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