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Messages - chiborg

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Teamwork rule question
« on: June 10, 2011, 03:02:13 PM »
Imagine the following conflict: Four gang members with baseball bats against a werewolf with superhuman speed and toughness and +4 athletics skill. Each gang member attacking on its own will hardly scratch the werewolf. But if the teamwork rule comes into play, the main attacker will get a +6 on his attack roll if his team is successful. But how is the success of the other members determined? If it's an opposed roll, it's back to square 1 because the werewolf will shrug off each maneuver. I'd rather do an unopposed roll for each gang member against a difficulty of +4 (+3 for the maneuver, +1 for the speed bonus of the werewolf). What do you think?

DFRPG / How to bring 6 disparate characters together?
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:27:49 AM »

I am a GM and have assembled a very big group of players (6) and they did not want to participate in city creation. They think their imagination does not suffice. Also, they all like "mystery/whodunnit" scenarios where the forces behind the events are completely unknown. We have the full stretch of character templates: 2 Wizards ("Male Wizard-In-Training of a Family Where All Males Turn Out to be Lawbreakers" and "Exiled Voodoo Priest"), one Werewolf ("Wolf-Born Son of
(click to show/hide)
"), one Minor Talent ("Brilliant But Unstable Medical Student"), one Emissary of Power ("Custodian of the Sword of War") and one White-Court Virgin ("Trained to be the Lady Behind the Throne"). We are in stage 4 of char creation (the longest char creation I ever had with any RPG).

My questions are:
How can two characters help out in an adventure of another char? I can also imagine one character not directly appearing as "guest star" in an adventure but dealing with the consequences from the adventure. I can not imagine anyone being an antagonist/victim in one of the adventures as that would create animosities where we have enough trouble  bringing the disparate chars together.
What could unite these chars, both in the 4th and 5th phase and also in/before the first scenario? I don't know if a common threat would suffice, as each of them would likely turn to his/her own resources instead of contacting the others for help.

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