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Messages - Kilroy

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Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 20, 2011, 06:13:11 AM »
Well..... When you put it like that anyone would look good. +1 for snarky Lara comment at the end.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 19, 2011, 02:45:29 PM »
And yes while Viggo Mortensen is starting to show some age with movie magic that could be fixed... but dont forget
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Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 18, 2011, 03:49:27 PM »
Yea.... if you noticed I edited that out... you must have quoted me right after posting though. I blame it all on lack of sleep.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 18, 2011, 04:27:07 AM »

Yes Madrigal was who I was thinking of. Also yes, she looks very happy in that photo and that what he wants her to feel up till he has the handcuffs on her and goes all Nightmare on Elm on her.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 18, 2011, 02:46:35 AM »
Really, guys? I might be remembering wrong, but isn't Butters described as, well, skinny? I adore Kevin Smith and everything, but the man has never been skinny.
Sean Bean could be Harley MacFinn, yeah. And why does Joe Gordon-Levitt freak you out? He's amazing.

Yes, as of dead beat Butters is "a little guy, maybe 5'3 in his shoes, maybe 120 pounds soaking wet." I did not think to check Ghost until after but I am sure he has not changed much. I dont really care though, lol. We can find someone else to play Butters but that who I have just seen in my head. I would like to find a role for Kevin Smith though, I have not done any reading to see if he is a fan or not but I am sure he would be if he reads it.

As for Levitt.... I mean.... with short hair and a nice beard he looks normal to me... but then he does this.

Or.... really maybe have him as white court. He could be one the cousins that like feed off fear or something.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 17, 2011, 11:55:46 PM »
OMG... I thought I was the only one who saw Kevin Smith as Butters. Joseph Levitt kinda freaks me out. David Wenham would be good for something but I dont know about Kincaid. The all Nathan thing would be sweet and really good for the budget, better effects. But I dont think a Studio will go for it.

I would like to fit Sean Bean into the movie but if we follow the patter he has to play a role where he dies in the movie. Maybe the Loup Garou?

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 16, 2011, 06:04:42 AM »
Okay, time for a revamp of the casting.  My wife helped with this one.

Harry Dresden = Nathan Fillion
Thomas Raith = Nathan Fillion]
Waldo Butters = Nathan Fillion
Michael Carpenter = Nathan Fillion  (attempted seduction by Bianca)
Kincaid = Nathan Fillion

John Marcone = Nathan Fillion
Donald Morgan = Nathan Fillion
Father Forthill = Nathan Fillion
Cowl = Nathan Fillion
Ride-along Bob = Nathan Fillion

I think we have a winner... Just cast Nathan Fillion as EVERY Male and most the female roles even. Also I have seen that before, I think that's him on the set of the Halo: Landfall commercial. Thats a UNSC Sniper Rifle, but I did not know he was involved in it. I know he did voice acting for the game. Speaking of I wish they would make that damn movie...

Things That Bother Me (Of course, I need to find 'some' fault no matter how much I like the series.

* Then,  there's what he's done with asking Kincaid of all people to do the dirty deed. Could he have contacted Marcone for a favor? Maybe not, but if Karrin finds out I can't imagine her taking it well. I think she is likely to be furious at 'both' Dresden and Kincaid.

+ Then there's poor Thomas. Hasn't this poor guy been through enough? How's he going to react to the fact that Dresden left it up to Molly to tell him, or not, Then, Molly left him wallowing in guilt, thinking that it was somehow partly his fault; rational or not. Let's face it, Thomas was still recovering from the worst form of torture by the Skinwalker.
 Poor guy, first, his mother left him with a father she knew would kill him as soon as he reached maturity. I believe she was on the run for about five years (I may be wrong on this point,) but I believe Thomas was nine or ten when Harry was born. Knowing she might be caught/killed; she, at least, had already taken steps to ensure that Harry had a Fairy Godmother to look out for him.In addition, Harry was to recieve the legacy of her knowledge of the 'Paths'.
 Then, there's Ebenezar mcCoy. As far as I can tell, he has never shown the slightest interest in his 'other' grandson. Of course, maybe he ignores Thomas because he hated his father.
 Add to this the fact that Harry "never once thought about Thomas, not once since returning to Chicago" because Harry would feel shame about not trusting him. I haven't got a problem with the fact that he didn't tell Thomas. Lets face it, Thomas would have tried to stop it; but come on. I really had a hard time with the fact that Harry would deliberately forget about his brother.
  Then we get a little bit of Thomas, near the end of the book, and it's good. However, I don't understand why he will be able to make love to Justine just because she's going to make love to someone else, first? Why wouldn't they have done this long before? Maybe I'm just missing something. I'm not the brightest bulb on the block.:-D. Anyway, I was sort of hoping that Thomas would offer to be the Next Summer Knight in return for being able to make love to Justine.
     Well, what's important is that Harry's back and in his body again.  I guess I'll have to settle for remaining ignorant about some things.
 Anyway, I really enjoyed the book. Jim Butcher is one of my favorite authors. I can't wait a whole year for the next book! :-(  Help!

He asked Kincaid cause he knew it would be clean. He respects the man and knew that if he asked him to do it he would. Not only would it be a clean and quick death but he would not have to worry about the police tracking anyone down. He would never goto Marcone for something like this.

Thomas had a hard life starting up yes but she knew Harry would be a Wizard, I think thats why she made the deal with Lea for him. More things can hurt a young wizard then a young white vamp IE Justin. As well no one knows of the relationship outside a choice few, I dont thing Eb even knows. Hell we did not even learn he was Gram Pa Eb till the end of the last book.

Harry also said there was a reason he never thought of his brother. Subconsciously he knew if he did he would feel the instant shame of not telling him about what he was going to do. So his mind did all it could not to think about him.

You got me the on the whole Justine thing tho.... I think Jim cheated on that one just to give Thomas a booty call.

As for the Knight thing I am guessing you mean Winter Knight as Fix is currently in the role of Summer. While I could see him taking the offer Mab is a little crazy over Dresden... I mean look at what shit did to herself in order to stay in Chicago till May. I still think this shows even more proof that she has been infected or altered in some way to show a character change this big.


If the parasite had something to do with anything on the island he would not have broke of the statement into 3 lines. He see's himself as the location, anything on the island might be seen as a parasite to "here" but not to Harry. But really in my opinion to call a Tree on "Here" a parasite would be to call the hair on your head one, People trying to live on the island is another thing... and from the abandoned town we can see how "Here" deals with parasites. So I really have no clue what it could be at this point. I dont think it is Lash tho... if and thats a big IF there were anything left of her how would that keep his heart pumping?

It could be nothing really and now Jim is reading the forums doing your standard evil laugh.

Uriel calling Mouse "Little Brother" and telling him that his task is not yet over. Wow, this leads me to think Harry getting Mouse was much less of a whoopsy. Also that they have a very close relationship with the arch and guardian angels. Hell I bet mouse can see each and every man in black posted at Micheal's house

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:05:14 PM »
I always pictured the Mothers, Queens, and Ladies as being essentially 3 sets of twins. So it would make sense having Helen Mirren play both mothers, Kristen Bell (my vote!) as both Aurora and Maeve, and whomever as both Queens (I don't have a fave yet there).
Hmm... you know thats not a bad theory. I can see it with the Mothers but I just dont know how well that would work with the rest.

That reminds me, I found this on her deviantart page. As much as I hate the fact its a SG shot omg it is the part. I dont know if I like her for Leah or Mab more, I know she could do either but wow.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: May 23, 2011, 07:09:23 AM »
I have had David Blue in mind for billy for a time now, he lost a good bit of weight during SG:U and I can see him buffing up some.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: May 21, 2011, 03:21:15 PM »
I think the general idea is Marsters has gotten a little too old to play a main roll (He would be pushing 50 by the time they make it), I have said as he does audio books he should be Bob being the only voice only character. Which would also give them room to use him as several little rolls. Others want Jim to do Bob but really after all his work on the Audiobooks these years Marsters is the man.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: May 19, 2011, 05:27:14 AM »
No... he is WAY to main stream, if he is in the movie it is to be killed within seconds of coming on screen.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: May 19, 2011, 02:06:59 AM »
Well thats just it, I think Mab wants to be *If thats correct* Mrs Claus.

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