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Messages - gborbonus

Pages: [1]
DF Reference Collection / Re: WOJ: Hexenwufl solved
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:19:56 PM »
I think the best Fit for who did this was the WK(perhaps Lara's influence).

But... I offer this up for debate... Did we SEE lara take over the WK?

For all we know, the WK might be pulling one over all of us.

I believe Thomas says: you must embrace the role.

WC vamps blend in very easily, and are smart. The WK didn't become the WK because he made mistakes that were costly as the one he made with Harry and Thomas.

Truth is, I don't particularly see any solid proof that the WK is under Lara's control. She could be under his control.

Any evidence to the contrary can be construed as evidence that the WK is more capable than we expect.

As for Cowl and Peabody,

Cowl could be working with the BC, it fits, but also having the BC make elaborate plans to make him appear one way or the other also fits...

These discussions are always hard, because if we make assumptions/conclusions based on faulty information, or lack thereof, we could be wrong, or draw the wrong conclusions for the right reasons. In the end, I could argue every single point. In a court of law, we call this circumstantial evidence, that lacks the necessary solidity of fact.

DF Reference Collection / Re: WOJ: Hexenwufl solved
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:58:02 AM »
We've seen that singular locations can have multiple outputs in the real world from the NN, and the same can be said of reality to the NN.

Reality to NN:
I can't remember exactly which book but Cowl could not follow Harry into the NN because he did not THINK like Harry (I believe it's spelled out very close to that). Even though he'd open it up in the exact same location.

NN to Reality:
In Changes when leaving the EK's domain, Harry and Susan went to the Bass Pro Shop.

DF Reference Collection / Re: WOJ: Hexenwufl solved
« on: April 28, 2012, 07:23:55 PM »

Yes, all my theories are not SOLID, as There is no definite way to determine who gave the belts to the FBI.

DF Reference Collection / Re: WOJ: Hexenwufl solved
« on: April 28, 2012, 05:50:56 PM »
You have EK, possible only because of location(kind of weak for sound reasoning).
Lea, I mean come on, she makes hounds out of people on a regular bases AND makes them enjoy it.
I Personally think no theory dismisses BC but infact emphasizes their involvement.

My Personal theory: WK.

Mainly because He had his little fingers EVERYWHERE(lara inherited his influence and was able to drop a Navy Chopper in another country), He was calling up demons such as HWWB. He had to get that knowledge from somewhere, and we KNOW he has had contact with other wizards and such before we ever saw him.

Since BR, HWWB has not been located, though we know he's free.
Further Evidence:
Lara has information on top-level wizards at her finger-tips. Where does she get this information while the WC is at war with vamps?
Not to mention the information she had was NEW, such as Carlos' position.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Quick reply module
« on: April 24, 2011, 09:16:51 PM »
As it's already implemented, and I didn't see it, it is irrelevant, just a suggestion.

For those who are wondering the benefits,

It's a simple, eliminate one click. And allows for easy see what everyone else said before you finish replying. It also helps when moderating a forum, or replying to multiple threads extremely quick.

I help on many forums, and I instantly look for the quick reply, as it's fast. Also with a bit of tweaking, can be done via ajax(a javascript construct),which reduces it down from 2 page loads, to 0 page loads.

Site Suggestions & Support / Quick reply module
« on: April 24, 2011, 02:23:45 AM »
This would allow quick replies from users that are just wanting to jot a little something down, and move on.

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