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Messages - Gharnl

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I think I'll use Lorne as a foundation, but change him so that he's not exactly the same. My group has banned me from singing at the table anyway. :P

I love Lorne! That's an excellent analogy and idea too. I'll have a talk with the GM about potential ideas of what might have happened to cause the character out into the open and start working more actively than just as a source of information for other people.

Thanks Haru! :D

In working on the idea for this character I'm starting to get the feeling that he would almost be more appropriate as an NPC resource for players to use in a game rather than an actual character I would play. It's starting to sound more and more like a private investigator than an actual information broker and the one thing I don't want to play in a Dresden Files game is a clone of Harry himself. Harry is great and all, but I want to experience the universe for myself, not just play out his old casefiles.  :D

That's an excellent question.

I hadn't thought about that angle yet to be honest. I almost see him as more of a contracted individual. If people are looking for specific information regarding the activities of supernatural entities in and around the city then he's the guy to come and see. So not so much that he provides information regarding the nature of those entities per se (a lot of people can tell you about the ins and outs of the various types of creatures out there), but more he is the guy to go to if you want to know about what existing and new players in the supernatural scene are up to.

If the Red Court is expanding its territory and buying up property in the city, you would come and see him to find out where their new locations are.

Or if the supernatural groups in the city are all in a flap over something important that's arriving soon, he could be contracted to find out where and when.

Those are just two examples that I could think of right now. :)

The game master hasn't mentioned what he's intending the power level for the game to be yet.

My initial thinking was that a pure mortal would be a good fit for this, but I don't have any real experience with the game to make a decision yet. Another choice would be a small time practioner with only a little talent for certain magics related to information gathering.

Hi there!

I'm going to be playing in a Dreseden Files game for the first time very soon (super excited!) and have an idea for a character concept but am looking for some advice or guidance on what class/origin might be a good fit for it.

The concept is this - the character is trying to make a living working as an information broker in the city the game will be set in. He's not necessarily the best or biggest in his chosen profession, I see him more as at the beginning of his career. But he knows that certain information can be extremely valuable to certain individuals. I haven't decided if the methods through which he obtains the information that he traficks are mudane (mortal activities like blackmail, bribery, theft or regular purchase), supernatural (spells, scrying, bargaining with the Fae, etc) or a combination of both. This is the sort of thing I figured would be informed more by the class/origin that I end up taking.

So what do people think would be a good fit for my first concept?

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