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Messages - Razil

Pages: [1]
I'm loving the book so far, and love the Justice League Murphy has formed. Daniel worries me, in that he does strike me as way too similar to the nutty priest Michael beat with a baseball bat.

And he has no restraint, as shown by his outburst with Felicia present. So, unless his attitude changes, I don't see Daniel surviving this story.

And speaking of Felicia, while I was surprised to find that Thomas is so far MIA (which I suspect may be a result of his mindset after Harry got shot on HIS boat), I was more surprised to find the WC representative wasn't Justine or Lara. Seems to me Lara would go herself, or use Justine as proxy, out of respect for Harry and Murphy.

I'm also a little disturbed by Molly's attitude and change. It strikes me that the extent to which she required Harry was extremely underplayed until now. Her Batman-esque crusade fits what she would think Harry would want (particularly with all the references Harry makes to comics), but it strikes me as her also completely missing the point. :P
Yes, Harry was responsible for wizard vigilanteism, but he also relied on his friends quite a lot, whereas she seems to be pushing them all away. To continue with the Justice League metaphor, if Harry is Batman, Molly has become Red Hood. Instead of responding with enough force to stop, she is responding with, what she sees as, force enough to deter.

I can easily believe she has PSTD due to her psychic sensitivity, but she is making it worse with her own violence. Hopefully just knowing Harry is around in some form will help her to begin healing.

Also, I would love to read stories about this new Will. He is standing strong with one trick and, from the brief description afforded so far, he's kicked some ass in the past six months.

I agree with Aludra as both a reader and an aspiring writer. Most of those rules make my eyes twitch. Particularly since most of my favorite authors liberally ignore them. They can be helpful,but also hinder. I spent a year and a half in fiction workshops run by a resident author at my university, using the Browne&king book. After the first draft,I threw it aside and broke rules all the time.I was the only one to do so, so I was the only one whose work stood out, ina good way. I think those rules are wonderful when they fit the story you are trying to tell, but are a pain to force where they make things worse.

That teacher gave the best advice I have received thus far: "Write anything you want, however you want. Then fix it. Then do it again. Somewhere along the way, you'll find what's right." He also said, "Writing is easy. Rewriting is the hardest thing you will ever do. Writing doesn't make you an author, rewriting does."

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: March 28, 2011, 05:10:53 PM »
Wait, what? McKellan is way too dignified for Bob.

Physically. But the guy has a great sense of humor. And I always imagine Bob's voice and personality being somewhat at odds. Voice of a scholar, attitude of a school boy.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: March 28, 2011, 04:00:37 PM »
As much as I like the actors in the poll, I don't see any of them as Harry. As some one else mentioned, I can see David Remnant. Or James Marsters.

As for the rest of the cast, I haven't given it much thought. OK, actually Ian McKellan would be a great Bob.

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: March 28, 2011, 03:56:44 PM »
I first read Storm Front about six months before the show airred. I only found out about the show because of Eureka. And I continue to love the books despite how awful the show was. Horribly adapted, horribly miscast.

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