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Messages - Shiloh

Pages: [1]
Site Suggestions & Support / Re: a fanwork section?
« on: August 04, 2006, 01:25:47 AM »
How's this for a lousy analogy?

I've heard of giant squids.  People have told me that they're out there.  I however have never seen one in person (in squid?), so I can't truly know that they exist.

Never mind; that really was lousy.

The legality lies in the fact that fanfiction makes use of an author's intellectual property.  To use Jim's characters, settings, and so forth could therefore be seen as a sort of plagiarism.  If an author visits a fanfiction site and doesn't push to have references to his or work removed, the site's owner could say that the author has tacitly endorsed the site.

And as others have stated, suppose I write a story in which Harry does X.  Suppose Jim in a future novel has Harry do X, or an X-like thing.  I then get all irate and sue Jim for stealing my idea.  Jim's best argument against that is that he's never been to the site where I posted my story.

Darkest Hours / Re: A suggestion
« on: July 21, 2006, 08:17:53 PM »
It just occurred to me, Jim's written a Spider-man novel, Kevin Smith has written Green Arrow comic books, a graphic novel would be an interesting direction to go.

Darkest Hours / A suggestion
« on: July 21, 2006, 01:58:38 PM »
Show of hands:  who would like to see Jim write a graphic novel or comic series? Like a Ragged Angel series?

DFRPG / Re: Parallel Fiction
« on: June 10, 2006, 04:56:36 AM »
The Star Wars novels also tend to be overseen by an editorial board that plans storylines, then has authors work on those lines; the New Jedi Order series was done that way.  R.A. Salvatore received a lot of hate mail over the events of Vector Prime, when it was the board and Lucas that mandated said events.

As far as fan fiction/parallel fiction goes, I don't quite get the allure.  I understand paying homage to a writer and his creations, and Jim has created something really special here.  But here's the catch - such stories can be kept out of these forums easily enough.  Still, people are posting elsewhere.  And if in a future Dresden novel "X" occurs, and someone wrote something similar to "X" and posted it somewhere, there will be the feeling that the idea was stolen.

Some years ago I was working on a science fiction novel, and had a ship caught in tractor beams.  The pilot escaped by firing missiles at the capturing vessel to break up the beam.  Two years later something very similar showed up in a Star Wars novel.  Even though there was no way that author could have know about my idea (my writings never approached the show-to-my-friends state, much less send-to-publishers), I still felt cheated.  At the very least, I knew I couldn't use that scene, because I'd get hit with "so and so did that exact same thing!"

Author Craft / Re: Good books on writing
« on: June 01, 2006, 02:46:25 AM »
Writers Digest publishes a lot of helpful books, whether on the "how-to's" of character, plot, and the like (I believe the Orson Scott Card book is one such example), and they also publish a lot of technical guides, historical references, and things like that.

DFRPG / Re: Want to learn more
« on: June 01, 2006, 02:44:23 AM »
Im guessing that, like most series or book related RPG damges, it will only have one Book. It won't have a core set or many supplemant books, like D and D does.

Probably so.  Most of the RPGs I've played have one main book, divided into player/game master sections.  Even Star Wars, which is published by WotC does the same.  Of course, if the game takes off, then we can hopefully look forward to supplements, such as extended bestiaries, city guides, and the like.

DFRPG / Re: Want to learn more
« on: May 28, 2006, 01:44:40 PM »
I was wondering if it's going to use the d20 system put out by Wizards of the Coast, but I'm now guessing no  :)

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