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Messages - MissMilkMaid

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DFRPG / Re: First time RPer wants advise
« on: May 27, 2011, 04:29:48 PM »
In the vast majority of RPG you make original characters.  The ones from canon are generally NPCs.

Well we got that a little backwards. The players are doing cannons and I'm doing a town full of original NPCs. Our closest experience to this is writing fan fiction, where the main characters are usually cannon, so we assumed the main character should be Harry. 

Thanks for the written out narration example, Richard. It helped. I was hoping to get an idea of how much detail to use and you covered that. And thanks for the podcast link Crusher, I'll defiantly check it out.

Thanks a lot everyone. I'm glad I started this topic. I think I'll feel much more confident running the game for our next session.       

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Houston Players
« on: May 27, 2011, 06:03:23 AM »
I'm close but not close enough, considering the price of gas. I live in Austin.

Just picked up the books myself. Having never RPed or even known anyone who RPed, I'm very N00b. Done some cooperative story-writing, but nothing with dice and levels. So I probably wouldn't be much help to you anyway. Still us Texans should stick together, so I offer you a supportive fist bump.

*Fist bump*  ;) 

DFRPG / Re: First time RPer wants advise
« on: May 27, 2011, 05:41:52 AM »
Thanks guys. I really appreciate your support.   :-*

I'll check out the PbP links you gave me. I'd really like to see examples of how GM's are expected to narrate and what sort of characters people generally play. Are you usually expected to play cannon characters or originals characters in this sort of thing?

Anyway, we'd really love someone to show us the ropes, but as I said I don't know any PRers and the nearest game store is about and hour's drive away, so it's not the most convenient (or cheapest considering gas prices) place to be hanging out every other night of the week. If any of you live in Austin TX give me shout.  

Oh also, my campaign centers around a ghosts and a wizard's Death Curse. I couldn't find much in the books on Death Curses, though I may have missed the page. Maybe one of you can give an opinion on this idea I have and point me toward the best sections to read up on.

Basically, this guy was part of a group of witch hunters from a small racist town in Louisiana. He and his friends lynched a a young warden, who threw her Death Curse at him. The curse killed him and then enslaved his spirit to the ghost of the warden. Her ghost is stuck at the moment of her death and is full of rage and vengeance and it's forcing the spirit of this guy to hunt down other members of his group and also terrorize this little racist town.

I read up on the ghost sections, but I'm not sure what powers a ghost would have when it has the punch of a Death Curse behind it. Besides, he's not really a ghost, his soul is still there. It's just been disembodied and then enslaved to a ghost. Y'all have any ideas to bounce back at me concerning this? Or maybe some page references to give me.       

DFRPG / First time RPer wants advise
« on: May 27, 2011, 04:28:24 AM »
So being completely in love with the Dresden Files, I brought the RPG even though I have never done this sort of RPing and don't know anyone who has. I'm familiar with the Desdenverse, having read all the books at least once and I'm familiar with story-telling, having written fanfiction. I have also done some cooperative story writing, so I know a bit on interactively working together to make a story. However, what I know nothing about are the mechanics, processes, rules and exceptions. I got both "Your Story" and "Our World" but they're so big I find it overwhelming, especially since I know a good deal of the information and am mostly trying to glean process/mechanics, which I think would be better done by talking to people who are RPers.

I got two of my sisters to agree to play with me and they're as big a noobs as I am. I'm the GM. I didn't have much trouble with the city sheets, but we are a little confused about the characters sheet and what stunts, powers and everything means. Emily just copied Harry's character sheet since she wanted to play him, but Mary is trying to makes a sheet for Dean Winchester, (yeah the guy from Supernatural,) and we weren't exactly sure what stunts and levels, aspects and concepts to use and how they are applicable. We read the sections in the book, but that's nothing like actually having experienced what "Superb" Presence mean in the RP.   

We played our first, uh session... (is that what it's called?) tonight and I think it went well enough, though I was little confused on how much the GM is suppose tell the players, what power I have and how I should be narrating the scenes.

Mostly I would just like general advise. Maybe people can point out some really obvious things RPers should know, but complete noobs are clueless about. Like, should all the PCs be at the same level? Harry's sheet has him at "Submerged" does that mean Mary needs to play Dean on the same level? What about the NPCs I'm playing? Do they have to have certain power levels and abilities on level with the PCs? I think we're on the right road, but I'd like some sign posts to make sure.

What I would really like is to have a game with an experienced RPer, does this work over computer? Maybe we can get involved in a games here.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 12, 2011, 01:19:39 AM »
You've got some outstanding ideas there. If only Hugh were 10 years younger, I'd pretty much kill to seehim as Harry. I think I'd barf, though, if I had to see Emma Watson in any more movies. She can't act her way out of a wet paper bag.

Well compared to the other kid actors in HP I thought Watson wasn't so bad.

My special faves from your list:

Hugh Jackman
Steve Buscemi

Erica Cerra
Seth Green!
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Alyson Michalka
Robert Downy
George Clooney
And, of course, Matt Bomer!

:D I like the idea of Downey as Nicodumus. If anyone and make an animated flying shadow look cool I think RDJ can. Plus he can do a good British accent and be both refined yet wild-eyed crazy at the same time. 

Ortega-I imagine him a bit older. Maybe Benicio Del Toro.
Bandera is a bit older. I should have put up a more recant picture, but in all of them he had facial hair, which just didn't look right.


Hey an abomination to play an abomination. I think it fits. Deirdre is a stupid, crazy bitch. SO who else?

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 12, 2011, 12:42:19 AM »
Casting for Death Masks
I decided to cast DM, because I'm the most familiar with that book and because it has a lot of my favorite characters in it. Beside the names I put a number ranging from 1 to 5, which indicates how much I like the casting. 1 means I don't really like it, but couldn't think of anyone better and 5 means I think the casting is perfect. I tried to consider both looks and talent.  

Harry: Hugh Jackman - 3
Mort Linquist : Steve Buscemi - 5
Larry Fowler: Tom Cruise - 4
Father Vincent: Willem Dafoe - 2
Ortega: Antonio Banderas - 4
Susan: Erica Cerra - 4
Martin: Jim Butcher  ;D - 4
Murphy: Scarlett Johansson - 2
Butters: Seth Green - 4
Sanya: Chiwetel Ejiofor - 4
Shiro: Ken Watanabe - 1
Micheal: Russell Crowe - 3
Farther Forthill: Mark Sheppard - 1
Voice of Bob: Eddie Izzard - 4
Ebenezer: Jeff Bridges  - 4
Kincade: Christian Kane - 5
Ivy: Elle Fanning - 4
Molly: Alyson Michalka - 3
Charity: Cate Blanchett - 4
Anna Valmont: Emma Watson - 5
Deirdre: Miley Cyrus - 4
Mac: Bruce Willis - 4
Thomas: Matt Bomer - 3
Marcone: George Clooney - 5
Hendricks: Matthew Willig - 2
Gard: Uma Thurman - 3
Nicodemus: Robert Downey Jr. - 4
Cassius: Michael Sheen - 5

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 11, 2011, 04:28:10 AM »
Eh I don't like Quinto for Harry at all. Course I can't help but associate Quito with Heroes and I hated that show.

I was looking up tall actors, and I found this guy who's actually 6'7" and he looks a lot like Harry to me. Of course he's hardly been in anything, so he probably can't act, but for looks he seems to fit really well. Name's Marnix Van Den Broeke.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 06, 2011, 06:18:51 AM »
Oh I really like Emma Watson as Lascial/Lash. Or maybe as Anna Valmont, in Death Masks. Either one I can see her being really good.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 05, 2011, 08:55:22 PM »
Then again if we can't get Clooney, Marcone I'd say Joaquin Phoenix as second choice. Not as good as actor, but he has the eyes.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 05, 2011, 07:07:05 PM »
I've always Marcone to look like George Clooney, only with green eyes. I think the hair, age and attitude/voice is perfect. Plus I think a top of the A list actor should do Marcone. It's a difcult role, super bada$$ and yet super subtel. He needs alot of presence and I think Cloony would pull it off really well.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 05, 2011, 04:28:08 AM »
I like Christian Kane for Kincade. He needs to be about a foot taller, but other than that he seems perfect to me.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:06:08 AM »
We must have very different tastes.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:35:57 PM »
Well, Bomer seems to be having the Thomas effect on some people anyway.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 04, 2011, 10:09:19 PM »
And I've already pretty much settled on my ideal for Thomas, thanks to the folks here -- Matt Bomer.

I like Bomer, though he strikes me more as cute than supernatural vampire with god-like looks. I haven't seen him act, so I don't know about voice and attitude. (I really should watch White Collar I've hear a lot of good things about it.) But if Bomer has a billion dollar smile I'd be sold. Thomas's smile is the most important thing in my mind.

As other options I offer Jared Leto. He's pretty and has great eyes. I think he's got more of the supernatural vampire look, but seems to lack the flamboyant charm. Also he's a little girly.

Thirdly has anyone suggested Ben Barns? He played Dorian Grey and did a good job with the haunting/supernatural beauty. His eyes are the wrong color, but I bet he could ware contacts and he has a nice smile. Smile is key to Thomas in my mind.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 04, 2011, 09:49:45 PM »
He looks way to big to be Butters to me.

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