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Messages - SkinsFanVJ

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I'm sooo bitter!!  I was pulled into a work meeting last minute and couldn't make it!!  I was sooo hyped for this event too!!

I like Sihnon's idea of maybe having another meetup, not necessarily a Jim event, but a Dresden fans event.

If people here are interested in possibly getting together over some adult beverages and food to hang out and talk Dresden and related stuff, please reply and I can look into setting something up!

Thank you Mickey!!

Man, when I hit chapter 45 --- I COULD NOT STOP - LOL

The action was getting pretty intense.

I gotta say -- I am realllly loving seeing more of Lea!  She is a very fascinating and thoroughly frustrating character.  You just never know if she has good intentions or not. 

And I am really loving the back stories that have been given to us about Harry and Justin and HWWB.  I am quite curious how Harry ended actually in Lea's care though, we kinda got left right at the end of his encounter with HWWB.

I wonder if we are gonna have a big apocalyptic Bob vs Evil Bob that would be awesome!!

Well we know where Mouse is....

However, it would have been nice to actually see him.  I am curious if Mouse would be able to see Ghost Harry, or even communicate with him...?


He was already pretty broken down before changes...I really had a feeling he would be involved in this story somehow.  Especially considering Harry was last seen on THOMAS' BOAT!!

I hear ya -- I was up till 2 am reading of those "just one more chapter" nights hahah

I am still more and more amazed by Molly and Murph in this story - very dark and dreary.  I wonder if Harry ever realized the impact he had on both of them, that maybe in his own crazy ways, he was the one keeping both of them sane...

And STILL NO MENTION OF THOMAS!!  I wonder if he is going to make an appearance at all.....????

I thought he might be One of the THREE....(sounds like im discussing BSG, hah)


I still cant get a full read on Molly, or even Murph for that matter.  They are both extremely tortured souls right now. 

It was cool to see Harry use magic, but it not having an affect on the real/mortal world im sure is gonna play into the rest of the story.  I cant imagine he will be able to just take over the body of all characters all the time.

My biggest question is what happens to Molly in the future -- I mean she may not have admitted to directly killing anyone, but she indirectly used magic to lead to deaths of mortals.  I wonder how that plays out with the council and stuff, if she lives past the book and all that ....

Yeah, Daniel is a bit of an odd one.  I think he may do something foolish to put people in jeopardy.  Now that is an amazing bit of writing to make you feel like you know a character so well after just one scene with them!!  I may be totally wrong in the end, but it surely feels like he's got like you said - that death mark.

I agree about Thomas, its curious that Felecia would be there instead of him representing the white council.  However, it isn't that curious considering his close ties to the justice league...

Just breezed through chapter 15....  I could barely put the book down long enough to post here

I don't even know where to begin, sooooo much stuff just happened!!

A few thoughts...

YAY MISTER!!  I know that was a big discussion after Changes

Sir Stuart is/was an awesome character, I was really looking forward to seeing some more insight from him.  But I do understand what happened, he would have made it too easy for Harry and Jim would never let that happen!

Fitz sounds like he's got a pivotal role in this story, and sounds like a character we are being setup to root for - almost a newer billy.  But I think in the end something is gonna happen that makes it turn out vastly different than billy and the alphas

WTF is this Eternal Silence -- I hope we get more answers!!

MOLLY!!!  I MEAN SERIOUSLY MOLLLLLLYYYYYY!!!!  I really hope she doesn't go completely darkside on us, but wouldn't that be something!!

Welcome to the Ghost Story Book Club!!  This is intended to allow us to theorize and discuss as we read through Ghost Story.   Discuss whats happened and how amazing it is.  Discuss what you think is happening in the current set of chapters.  Or even theorize about what may be about to happen.  

The rules are simple...
You can discuss anything you want about Ghost Story, so long as it does not exceed the chapter limit set for this particular thread.  


Welcome to the Ghost Story Book Club!!  This is intended to allow us to theorize and discuss as we read through Ghost Story.   Discuss whats happened and how amazing it is.  Discuss what you think is happening in the current set of chapters.  Or even theorize about what may be about to happen.   

The rules are simple...
You can discuss anything you want about Ghost Story, so long as it does not exceed the chapter limit set for this particular thread. 

Chapter Limit -- Do NOT discuss anything after chapter: 45

Welcome to the Ghost Story Book Club!!  This is intended to allow us to theorize and discuss as we read through Ghost Story.   Discuss whats happened and how amazing it is.  Discuss what you think is happening in the current set of chapters.  Or even theorize about what may be about to happen.   

The rules are simple...
You can discuss anything you want about Ghost Story, so long as it does not exceed the chapter limit set for this particular thread. 

Chapter Limit -- Do NOT discuss anything after chapter: 35

Welcome to the Ghost Story Book Club!!  This is intended to allow us to theorize and discuss as we read through Ghost Story.   Discuss whats happened and how amazing it is.  Discuss what you think is happening in the current set of chapters.  Or even theorize about what may be about to happen.   

The rules are simple...
You can discuss anything you want about Ghost Story, so long as it does not exceed the chapter limit set for this particular thread. 

Chapter Limit -- Do NOT discuss anything after chapter: 25

Welcome to the Ghost Story Book Club!!  This is intended to allow us to theorize and discuss as we read through Ghost Story.   Discuss whats happened and how amazing it is.  Discuss what you think is happening in the current set of chapters.  Or even theorize about what may be about to happen.   

The rules are simple...
You can discuss anything you want about Ghost Story, so long as it does not exceed the chapter limit set for this particular thread. 

Chapter Limit -- Do NOT discuss anything after chapter: 15

DF Reference Collection / Re: Harry's Power Ups
« on: June 16, 2011, 04:12:46 PM »
Serack, i had an idea about this too.  I was thinking of doing a re-read and picking up how Harry's descriptions of using his power change.

For example ( i am at work and don't have the books, so this is just my trying to expalin what i mean)
He may describe in an early book how doing a particular spell takes all his energy and concentration.
In a later book he may say the same or a differnt spell is easy or second nature.

This to me is also part of his power ups.  How things are hard in the begginning and become easier or take less concentration or the spell itself has so much more power in it.

Plus i tend to read fast and not soak in details and it would force me to pay attention.  ;D

This kinda sounds like there needs to be an "E: Experience" power up.  I know I didnt start out as the Ultimate Slacker.  I powered up with years and years of slacker experience.   8)

Spoiled sports!  If Harry can pull an all nighter why can't you? LOL!  I understand, those of us who want an after party can find somewhere to have some drinks, but before dining close would be cool.  Can I put a vote in now for Gordon B's?  I've never had their beer before, but always welcome and excuse to try a new brew.

Oh, and I'll be going as an out of shape Lara Raith.   ;D

Why not?  Then all the guys could pretend they're Bob and the rest of us can get some amusement?

Zheryl - I like your idea of Gordon Biersch, its one of my favorite places in that area.  They make their own beer!!  I think it would be almost like going to Mac's before the signing.

Whats everyone elses thoughts on this?

I am also from the area and spend entirely too much time at that mall.  There's a really nice open meeting area just outside the B&N on the first floor between the Gordon Biersch, Coastal Flats, and another restaurant that just opened who's name escapes me at this moment.  The TGI Friday's is in the same area as the theater on the 3rd floor about 5 minutes walk from the B&N and is also next to a large open meeting area (although it tends to be filled with kids and their parents as there is a play area nearby) and one of the large food courts in the mall.  Both of those would be easy places to meet up and I am fairly sure that they wouldn't mind having us hang out and game for a bit as long as we are also buying food etc. (obviously calling to ask is a good idea).  After the signing, as has been mentioned, there are a large number of very good restaurants in the area (15 minute drive or less) including several in "Tysons II" which is a different mall just across the road. 

Short version, there's a lot of options, once a head count exists someone (it would appear to be SkinsFan since I'm not about to fight him\her for it) can call around and see which of the many places would be willing to work with us to hang out before and\or after the signing.  But the head count is probably the most important part.

HIM.   :D

And by all means, if you are very familiar with Tysons, you can definitely take the reins.  When I volunteered it seemed like the vast majority of folks were out of towners so I just wanted them to have a local contact.  Although I live on 10 minutes from Tysons, I do my damned best to be nowhere near it cause of the traffic and legions of mallrats walkin around everywhere.

I am perfectly fine with taking a back seat and just offering my number to anyone needing last minute directions and a local contact.

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