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Messages - eviladam

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Author Craft / books vs comic books (or graphic novels if you must)
« on: August 29, 2007, 10:00:14 AM »
I've been writing both novels and comics for some time now. I am in love with both mediums. A novel, or at least a good one, sucks you right into it's world. When I read the Dresden Files I can almost picture myself staring down Red Court vampires for instance. A comic can tell the same story, only both visually and with text. I love dynamic action scenes, cheesy sound effects (woo woo woo) (KaBLAM) and in really well drawn series the raw emotion on the characters faces.

So when I start a new project I am all ways grappelling with this question: "Would this make a better comic than it would a novel?" "Would this make a better novel than it would a comic?"

For one thing recognition in comics comes much easier than it does writing novels imo. Wizard Magazine is dedicated to comic books, and even underground series that show promise (30 Days of Night) are featured and stronglly recommended. Comic creatures, depending on their publisher, retain all rights to their work and a healthy chunk of the profits. Comic books spawn major motion pictures, action figures, t shirts and whole host of merchandise.

But there is just something about the power of a good novel at the same time.

So, with my current project I'm debating a switch in medium, and I can't decide. Although one major draw back is my lack of artistic ability which means I have to depend on some one else for most of the work.

Author Craft / Re: Do you fear being influenced?
« on: August 28, 2007, 05:16:32 AM »
Oh that had to hurt.  :(

Author Craft / Re: Do you fear being influenced?
« on: August 27, 2007, 09:55:02 AM »
What I really hate is when I find something I thought of was also thought of by some one else, and published.  :(

Author Craft / Re: Do you fear being influenced?
« on: August 26, 2007, 08:57:31 AM »
I just want to make sure it's as original as possible, and not just pieced together from other great sci fi. My big fear is that I'll think it's original and some one will read it and say replace willaim shatner with the guy from seven days and that's your novel. Not that my novel is any thing like either of those shows, just saying.

Author Craft / Do you fear being influenced?
« on: August 24, 2007, 03:12:18 AM »
I'm presentlly working on a science fiction novel and I LOVE sci fi movies, books, games ect. Only now I'm affraid to watch any of it for fear of being influenced. Do you guys have that fear?

Like I think if I watch City on the Edge of Forever from Start Trek TOS something will some how bleed over into my work. Not even any thing overt, but something.

Author Craft / Re: Comics
« on: August 16, 2007, 04:18:56 AM »
There's an order too it though. descriptions goes first, then dialouge, then thought baloons and or caption boxes, then as I recall sound effects (SFX) and finally any other text that appears. ala words on a sign, a t shirt ect.

The scripts are broken down by page and pannel. There's no set number of pannels per page, and the best way I've found to detail the layout you want is to include a small numbered dialouge of each page with the panel numbers.

Author Craft / Re: Comics
« on: August 16, 2007, 03:52:09 AM »
It's kind of an issue of them not turning over an established character to an unknown writer unfortunantlly. Maybe the rules for ultimate are different since they're non continuitty. I dunno.

Author Craft / Re: Comics
« on: August 15, 2007, 07:26:45 PM »
Well there is a great resource out there for people of various skill sets trying to break into comics. You can find pencilers, inkers letterers, colorists and writers at

The down side you get a lot of replies from people who's art work is just awful and in my personal experience all the promising applicants didn't speak much english.

Author Craft / Re: Comics
« on: August 15, 2007, 12:48:47 PM »
Like a movie script, but a little more structured. There are some wierd rules I won't go into atm cause it's 745 in the morning, I'm still up and I can't remember em. The best resource I've seen for this was "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Graphic Novels" or something along those lines. Great sample scripts with a clear explanation of the rules, ways to demonstrate page lay out ect.

And as far as I know it's pretty hard to break into comics like that as an unknown. The best route seems to be publish something else in comic form. Any thing really, that will get you noticed. Failling that hound Marvel editors at conventions with a good portfolio.

Author Craft / Re: Melee Combat, little help here...
« on: July 19, 2007, 10:43:07 AM »
Also get a lay person, some one who knows nothing about the subject matter to read it and give you a brutally honest report. Or a few lay persons.

Author Craft / Re: Melee Combat, little help here...
« on: July 16, 2007, 09:52:55 AM »
What's the voice of your narrator like? Is he an every man/ smart ass like Harry or more stoic and serious. For instance if you want to describe being placed in a hammer lock (wang chung in martail arts? i dunno) you could say something like "He did that damn wrestler move where he made my wrist touch my shoulder blade. Looks like it hurts on tv right? Guess what it does. And silly me I didn't know the counter for it."

I dunno that's just what popped into my head. Feel free to steal it or completelly disregard it.

Author Craft / Re: Alternate Realities vs. Ease of Reading
« on: July 06, 2007, 08:32:21 PM »
Not to mention comalla which i apparentlly as versatile as Marclar in South Park.

Author Craft / Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« on: July 06, 2007, 02:21:03 AM »
One could be a neat freak and the other could be a slob. That's good for some irritation.

Author Craft / Re: Alternate Realities vs. Ease of Reading
« on: July 06, 2007, 02:17:59 AM »
In my current beast of burden (read: work in progress), it is set in a fantasy world and focuses largely on one "royal" family.  Now, my political system for this country isn't what you would call a traditional monarchy, so I came up with my own invented titles for the usual positions.  (King = Sho, Queen = Shala, Prince = Sholon, Princess = Shalina) 

Those who have been beta reading it for me have all come up against the same wall, that of the strange terminology.  I never WANTED these things to be the traditional "king" or "princess" because of my differences in the political system, but now I wonder if maybe clinging to my own terms is just the height of stubbornness. 

At what point should we give up and abandon our own ideas, for the readers' sake?

I don't think it should be too much of an issue. Look at something like the Dark Tower series. King invented a whole vocabulary for that.

Popkin: sandwitch like meal
Todash: weird psychedilic dream travel
Ka: fate

Author Craft / Re: Names help
« on: June 24, 2007, 12:35:49 AM »
Didn't Baal eat children? Meh probablly doesn't have the right ring to it.

Something like Abdisur, or Barradus  maybe?

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