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Messages - black roses

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Publishing Advice
« on: May 20, 2007, 08:47:17 PM »
Yeah. The genre that I write is... well, not that popular. That is: paranormal homoerotic urban fantasy. Yay.

Author Craft / Re: Wordcount!
« on: May 02, 2007, 02:00:25 AM »
Currently at 20,000 on pg. 46 and growing.  :D

Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: April 29, 2007, 12:45:00 PM »
Mickey, you crack me up.  All right.  Everyone keeps telling me to break out of my introverted personality and put myself out there if I want to sell books.

I'm an urban fantasy writer.  I sold my first novel SUCCUBUS BLUES and two sequels last November, and it'll be published in March 2007.  It's about a succubus with romantic problems (that whole inconvenient soul-stealing thing) who investigates a creature killing immortals in Seattle.  In January, I decided to quit my teaching job and write full-time.  I started another book called DARK SWAN (title to be changed) about a shaman.  It sold in January + one sequel and won't be out until after SB#2.  All of my books rely heavily on mythology and have a campy sense of humor (my succubus' demonic boss chooses to walk around in a body that looks like John Cusack).

I'm about 2 months away from an Amazon listing.  The website in my sig will give you more on the books, plus a review from Jim himself! *swoon*

I had to learn a lot about the publishing world to get here, so I'm happy to answer any questions folks have.

Yeah, I met you at RT Houston. The book is really good.

Author Craft / Re: Is your character a Mary Sue?
« on: April 23, 2007, 10:52:04 PM »
Myself, I think a Mary-Sue is a perfect character with no flaws that makes all the other, canon characters ask OOC. That's basically it.

And as for 14 year old writers... I'm younger, and I post on, with an original character (Rhiannon Brooks), who happens to be an amazing warrior in the HP fandom, and I still haven't gotten any flames. I'm almost tempted to hook her up w/ a canon character to see what happens. Of course, she's not a main character, just supporting. 

But it's interesting. My favorite thing to do is develop a perfect character and give them one irredemable flaw. And my irredemable, I mean it makes a perfect hero into the darkest of villians. Lawrence is an example. Exceedingly handsome, 27 year old billionaire. Kind. Sauve. Cool. Collected. Intellegent. Perfect. Psychopath. Murderer of 18. Killed his father at age 14. Embezzled millions to start his business.

See my point? Those characters are pretty fun, but you can't use them too often.

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction - Good or Evil?
« on: April 23, 2007, 10:39:48 PM »
For me, it helps me hone my skill. I write alot of original fiction, but I have a fanfic story going on at the same time, too. And the main reason I turned to it is quite simple: It's nice. It's really nice to have people read your writing and respond, while you're working on it. Nice to know someone's reading, and someone likes it. Most writers never know, not until they're published, and even then... with fanfic, you get responses, usually.

I usually use to post. And yes, it is hard to find good writing, but when you do, it's well-worth the wait. It's really hard to find good het, but again, I like slash and het, so I don't really care either way.

But I never write fanfic for an author I truly love- I would never for Golding or Burgess. I think their writing is perfect. And I don't use Butcher, either, but only because I never really wanted to.

Author Craft / Re: Why Do You Write?
« on: April 23, 2007, 10:33:58 PM »
So I can create a world. So I can create people, and have my way with them. And after a while, I beging to geniunely like them. The characters are the best part, creating a person, making them what they are, and they giving them a life, a past, motivations... and using them. Watching them grow, watching them evolve. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm writing- I'll have this whole plan for a scene but when i get down and write it, it ends up differently, just because it seemed- right. That's why I do it. I've always loved writing, anyway, always had the urge.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: April 22, 2007, 10:24:42 PM »
Sheena here. I write alot of different styles, but mostly realistic fiction & romance. Right now, i'm working on two projects:

One series, which I refer to as the Lawrence Edwards Chronicles. It consists of 4 books, the 1st his life from 1-21, narrarated by him, the 2nd from 23-24, narrarated by Jake, the 3rd 27-29, narrarated by Aurelia, and the 4th 31-33, in third person.

He's a billionaire, extremely handsome, happily married to Aurelia Delarose, a psychologist. He has one son. He's perfect. But for one minor detail: Lawrence Edwards is a sociopath. He states when he was 27 that he had killed 18 people. The first one was his father. His father, in a drunken rage, had killed his mother before his eyes when Lawrence was only four. It shattered his life forever.

The second one is called Magic. This was more of a I'm-bored/annoyed-at-homophobia thing, but it ended up pretty good. Two boys, Thomas Rowley (yes, I know, T.R, but only name I could think of) and Malachi Clementine go to the same school. Circumstances begin to force them closer and closer together, then Malachi's world is destroyed. His boyfriend dies in a war, and he almost kills himself trying to kill the people who killed him. he ends up in a come for a month and is paralyzed from the waist-down for a year.

Basically, it's the tale of Thomas and Malachi,a nd their love. That's really all there is to it. It's a kind of urban fantasy, though, because the reason they have to work together is simple: Malachi is a mage. Not a full-blooded one, there aren't anymore, but 2/3rds. So is Thomas, only Thomas isn't trained, and Malachi has to teach him. And considering that the rift between this world and the Faerie Realm is weakening, Thomas has to learn fast. Because a war's coming, and they need all the help they can get simply to survive.

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