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Messages - GraveyardKing

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I certainly hope it's not too late to RSVP.  It would be awesome to hang out with other Dresden fans.

Wooo!  That was awesome!  I actually got all 12 of the books I brought signed and I got to talk to Jim and Fred Hicks!  I'm definitely going to be more active in all of this stuff, now.

I believe the, uh, Dresden party at Gordon B's is going to a bit large.  My old German teacher is going to try and show up as well.  I hope it's not a problem.

Well, I've confirmed it with the rest of my group.  All four of us are coming.

Right, so my group is looking at a tenuous 3-4 people coming...

I'm sure this already got posted, but I will post again just in case.  On the Tyson's Corner B&N website it says:

"Please note: You must present a Barnes & Noble or BN.COM receipt for the featured book to enter the signing line. Copies will also be available on site the day of the event. We will begin distributing line passes at 5:00 pm on August 1, 2011."

We HAVE to buy the book at B&N?  I already pre-ordered it from Amazon!

Author Craft / Oh jeez, does this seem like too much of a ripoff?
« on: June 27, 2011, 02:52:39 AM »
Never mind, then.  Sorry.  Could someone just delete this?

Considering that I've heard that Jim himself will change the rules if he doesn't like them I think we'll be OK.  Unless of course there is a "Rules Lawyer" in the group, then we may be in for some issues.  However, this is supposed to be a fun exciting day (centered around Harry) so hopefully no one will take themselves too seriously.  And if they do we should refer to them as "Morgan" for the duration.

Also, it looks like there will be quite a few of us.  When it gets a bit closer we might want to pick a restaurant and make some reservations.  Frankly, inspite of being in TCCII, I think Maggianos is looking really good.  Speaking of which, how many are in your group GK?

It's a little tenuous at this point, but it looks like it will at least be me and one other guy.  One of our players may or may not be in town during the event and another has only recently joined and made no comment.

Oh, uh.  On the topic of playing the RPG with everybody, there may be one small problem.  My group has sort of been interpreting the rules as best we can, but not as should probably be interpreted.  So, we may be playing radically different games...

GK, I hope to see you there.  I'd love a chance to pick someone's brain about the DFRPG.   :D Where are you comming from and when do you aim to arrive?

We're coming from Stafford, about an hour's drive away.  We're going to try to show up early.  Not exactly sure when, though.

This is going to be so awesome.  So, I haven't been to any book signings, Jim or otherwise, but I'm definitely going to make it to this one.  No joke, I will gnaw off my own arm.  Anyway, I am new and I was thinking it would be pretty awesome to meet up with you other fans, so... is that cool?  Also, I'm going to try and drag my DFRPG group down there with me.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2011 Signing Tour (CONFIRMED!)
« on: June 12, 2011, 05:55:04 PM »
Oooookay.  So, I think I may be confused. (sadly)

I see that the first event, being the release party and all, requires a ticket.  However, do the other signings require tickets or do I just need to buy something to be polite?

Aside from that, HELL'S BELLS!  Jim is coming to VA and I actually get to go!

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