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Messages - frankenship

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« on: February 20, 2011, 02:20:23 PM »
I just purchased this game, but have been a gamer for a while and can tell you that -in general- a game that doesn't have supplements gets left out of the rumor cycle (and thus misses out on a lot of word of mouth advertising). 

Also, supplements NEED crunch IMO; devoid of rules discussion and/or expansion, a supplement is more akin to gamefiction.

I would like to see:

City Guides: Los Angeles, Hong Kong, etc. with npcs

A Magical Item Catalog with rules for playing them (animate?)

Historical: WWII, Victorian, Enlightenment, Elizabethan etc. with more creatures

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