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Messages - Steve K3

Pages: [1]
Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: November 04, 2011, 05:04:35 PM »
there's a local guy Wilmington, NC who would be absolutely PERFECT AS HARRY- tall, easily and quickly sprouts a three-day beard, writer, teacher, actor film-maker; can think of NO one better that i've ever seen; he will reamain anonymous for now.

Lucy Lui as Ancient Mai
Gwyneth Paltrow as Lara

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: February 08, 2011, 12:10:28 AM »
I was being facetious, Shecky.
I've read just about EVERYTHING, some more than once. I kinda like the Codex series, but I'm REALLY drawn to DF

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: February 07, 2011, 11:01:38 PM »
for JB-

over the last 6 months, I've been thru just about all of JBs novels-

both series are creative-beyond-belief;

these comments/ questions involve the DF only.

have come to appreciate their "grounding":
Conservation of energy being observed;
ties to legitimate myths/ legends;
characters related logically to each other.

looking forward to subtle shifting {?} of interactions between Harry and the powers-that-be.
(will really miss the interplay between H and his major immediate nemesis, but it's JB's works to handle as he chooses).

not at all clear how far DF  can go. JB's posts several years ago suggested 3 more novels. Later, a total of 20 was indicated.

Selfishly, I'd prefer that Jim's efforts be devoted to Dresden, as far as he can take it. I can appreciate that there may be creative limits, and other interests that Jim might wish to pursue.

Great stuff ! May the well never run dry !

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