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Messages - Spaced Cowboy

Pages: [1]
Forgive me if this has already been suggested, but I didn't see it in quickly skimming the topic.

The one thing we know about Mac is that he's "out". Perhaps, just perhaps, this is the beginning of dragging him back "in". He ends up being shot after all... True, we know that it's not a mortal wound, but maybe it would have been worse if Mab hadn't helped, who knows ?

We don't know *why* he's "out". Perhaps it's something he has chosen to do, and which guarantees him some level of protection/respect from the major powers.

The invasion of his domain, subsequent injury to his person, maybe another event... and perhaps Mac chooses to rejoin the fray...


Thought it was both justified and the right (only ?) thing to do at the time. Wasn't bothered even slightly by Harry's actions then. He was being all alpha male, protecting his vulnerable female partner, and laying down a marker in an author-described first-day-in-the-prison-yard scenario.

Harry's not all sweetness and light, he lives on the borderlands between good and evil because he's a vector for beneficial (at least from our perspective) change. Such change never happens in the fixed and rigid domain of order and good, neither does it happen within the churning domain of chaos and evil, it needs elements of both chaos and order to construct the change that's needed from the situation that things are in.

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Badelynge of Quackiness
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:27:43 AM »
I guess Mabs precognition wouldn't have to really be precog if Mab = Molly. She's just remembering, right ? Which gives Jim the ability for a god-like entity to suddenly lose a crutch on which she's relied for so long...



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