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Messages - israphel

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: 4th Nail/Sword of the Cross ideas suggestions?
« on: February 01, 2011, 03:11:03 AM »
I would pair it with a "human" virtue; something that general people hold up as "this is important" that Christian doctrine does not specifically endorse. Several come to mind, but they would generally be offensive to one side or the other of the christian/non-christian argument.

My idea behind it though is, this was the nail that wasn't really needed. It might be useful, it was there just in case, but God didn't really need the 4th nail to fulfill the Divine Plan. Maybe Assurance? Certainty? If you have Faith, Hope, and Love, you don't really need any more Assurance.

DFRPG / Re: Jade Court Vampires.
« on: February 01, 2011, 02:40:14 AM »
I've got a JCV in my upcoming game. I went along the line of "since they're even more mysterious and secretive than the WCV, they're probably weaker"
I stole from the WW VampOfEast idea of reanimated Hungry Dead. Same back story: died, went to a chinese hell, came back, reanimated the body.
These vamps feed on Chi as breath (suck the life breath out of somebody). Their powers run mainly on the sneaky-creep line.

The template for the JCV is below
cost   abillity
- 1      vampirism  -  soul vampire  -  feeds on breath/chi
+0      Human form
- 2      breath weapon  -  sleep
+1      feeding dependency
             (powers deriving from it below)
- 1      cloak of shadows
- 2      inhuman recovery
+2      The Catch  (vulnerable to "holy stuff" and Asian Folklore)
- 1      spider walk
- 3      spirit form

total is -7 refresh to be a JCV.

They're not stronger, faster, or tougher than a normal human, but do recover better and can become ghostlike.

I told my player that cities with a JCV presence generally have a higher SIDS and hospice death rate, since newborns and infirm elderly are easier targets (hospitals and nursing homes have little in the way of Thresholds).

DFRPG / Re: Knight/Emissary of Santa Claus
« on: February 01, 2011, 02:26:03 AM »
That actually raises an interesting question: Why does Santa Claus need knights?  What jobs would a Knight of Claus be tasked with?  That might give a better idea of what powers and skills they need

I was thinking about doing a tie-in with the old story of the Pied Piper. Just as the Earlking (Jareth the Goblin King?) might kidnap children to turn into goblins, it could be the Yule Knight's job to "recruit" workshop elves.

Haven't really thought it through much, but it seems like it could be good.

On another note, David Sedaris tells us that St Nicholas travels with "Six to Eight Black Men" (youtube it if you don't know). Sounds like Santa might have an entourage of knights.

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