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Messages - Aetius

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Other -anthorpes
« on: February 01, 2011, 11:11:11 PM »
Personally, I think the Cloak of Shadows is a must.  Foxes are trackers and are renown for their abilities as such, mostly because they hunt alone unlike wolves or other pack canines.  So a vulpinethrope would have all multiple abilities that allow him to both hunt down his prey and easily avoid that which would want him dead.  He's cunning like a fox after all.  After that, the speed idea is pretty much mandatory and from there its customization.

As the player whose PC this is being tested on, I like the change when the Inhuman speed is active.  Me and the GM also discussed things that physically change even out of the hybrid form like hair color changing with the seasons, red in summer, white in winter and a combo in other times.  The initial idea behind the other -thropes came from my character being subject to a test that attempted to make him an artificial lycanthrope, I attribute the outward changes to the animal spirit not quite being a clean fit like with the lycanthrope.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie Players And Basic Tactics
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:09:55 PM »
Now for the record I actually am one of the players in this campaign and I joined the boards pretty much for the purpose of defending my Gm's statements and to clear up some confusion. Though for the record I was not involved with the SNAFU that Bibliophile20 outlined.

The main problem was that this was meant to be a simple event.  PC's leave the library, see a strange janitor and leave the library with a sense of dread.  Then we'd get back to the regular scene.  Instead, our wizard, who is more of a power player than an RP'er got paranoid and the GM told him (through an awareness check) that the janitor was a zombie.  He panicked, fried the zombie, the malevolent force turned on the rhythm and they fled.  Once out of the building, still in a panic the wizard levitated them "out of harm" and onto the library.  For the record, the wizard has something of a "Molly Carpenter syndrome" and thinks that magic can solve all problems (this was the second time in the scenario that he had tried to use levitate, the other had talked him down the first time).

So yeah, personally, I couldn't have come up with a better option in the situation.  But yeah, the situation went off the rails and things got a little haywire.  Just wanted to clear up any confusions and say that this guy does know what he's talking about.

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