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Messages - MrWiggles

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DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: July 22, 2012, 05:51:23 AM »
* Does being a Winter/Summer Knight mean you still have to follow the first law of magic?
For ethically purposes? Yea. At least for Harry.

Politically? No. I dont think the WC could get away with killing a Fea Knight for breaking their rules.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: July 21, 2012, 03:44:33 AM »
How does Water Magic work?

Why are the Grey Council sure that the Black Council is one entity and not several entities shenanigans?

So for the last few years, I've been working on a text based on line role playing game. They'er collectively called mu*s or muds. Mine in particular is called a Mush for its more social nature and less call for simulation and a few other differences. Whats important, is that its role playing game, played in real time, all text based, done through exchanging poses as your characters. Like a more structure real time play by post forum rpg.

Its called Navitas: The City Limits.

Its set in Southern California, around Orange and Anaheim California. (Which includes Disneyland) and has an underground supernatural town, called the Burrows. Its action/combat oriented, but social characters are welcome and needed.

DresdenFiles is what I'm using to help ground the mush, as far as atmosphere and theme is concern, but but we're not beholden to it, and for game play reasons and personal preference there are several changes I've had to make for Navitas.

First, is that the novels aren't cannon for my game, even if the game make uses of items, places and persons from the the novels. The vampires, even though I really do love Vampires in Dresden Files had to be replaced for game play reasons. They've been replaced with a version of Vampires based on the Four Humors, and are bent toward being more monstrous and designed to disallow the overplayed emo vampire archetype. Their is no Masquerade of the supernatrual world from the mortal world. Its just fairly obscure and uncommon. Something like Ball Lightning. Magic however can't be industrialized.  The last major change is that magical items are much more common then presented in the novel, but that they aren't common themselves in the game. There number of other smaller changes but none as drastic as these.

My Mush doesn't use any mechanics from the published table top RPG.

There a whole host of features, that I wont include in the initial post, as its getting kinda of long as it is, but happy to go in to. I'm open to have a large assortment of supernatural creatures, that players can create (instead of only choosing from a list of predefine creatures) or badass human. There also a role play depended combat system and experience is rewarded through reviewing logs or through quality role playing.

We're making steady progress and moving toward an alpha/open house soon.

I wanna take questions and hear responses and expectations or what you'd think would be cool from a dresden online rpg game.

Author Craft / Re: NYT: A Game That Honed the Skills of Writers
« on: October 04, 2011, 09:16:00 AM »
Thanks for the link, Vijay. I wish I'd known more about, and participated in Mu*s. They sound like a fantastic way to sharpen one's writing awareness.

Bah onto to you, using participated in the past tense.

Mu*s are still around, and they're still being made.

You can head over to and see their game list. Its quite extensive, covering most of what anyone would like to and how to play.

I'm currently make a mu* myself, inspired by Dresden Files.

Author Craft / Re: NYT: A Game That Honed the Skills of Writers
« on: October 01, 2011, 03:51:27 AM »
I prefer coded conflict resolutions myself. Navitas will have a very verbose coded game system. I'm making it with it mind to be ported over to other games. Its also Role Dependent.

Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
« on: September 27, 2011, 11:15:22 PM »
I love the idea of national writing month, but why does it have to be in November? November is a crowded is a crowded month already.

Author Craft / Re: NYT: A Game That Honed the Skills of Writers
« on: September 26, 2011, 04:53:38 AM »
Its software. You download the code base, compile it, host it. Then you build your game within it.

Some codebases have a very extensive scripting language, known collectively as softcode (Though each codebase, uses a different scripting language). While in others, you have to add your own code to the server, known as hardcode.

Once you have the server up and running. You start to construct your grid 'the playing area'. And you can have the game be as coded or free form as you like.

There some mu*s, that have entire player ran economies. The larger Discworld mud is like that, its very well coded and has an extensive crafting, and player ran economy. It also has a verbose combat system.

In general, you can find what you want to play and how you want to play with mu*s. There extensive media based ones, and original settings as well.

Author Craft / Re: NYT: A Game That Honed the Skills of Writers
« on: September 26, 2011, 02:12:40 AM »
Alright, there are telnet text games, collectively known as Mu*s.

There are several codebases/servers types out there. These servers/codebases are used for general kind of game, with a presupposed Player culture.

Muck codebase/server, are inclined to be Adult and/or Furry in theme.

Muds, are generally player vs. players and players vs. mobs. These are the grand daddy for the modern MMO. They functional, pretty much identically really, except that its text base, and the playerbase is smaller. There are quests, and gear, all that jazz.- However, some Muds, like, Hellmoo, promote their players to be assholes to each other. Some Muds are heavy role playing games, other arent.

Mushes (Tiny, Penn, and Rhost)[They're sister codebases/servers.] These tend to be more social and/or rp focus. They also frown upon assholes on them.

Author Craft / Re: NYT: A Game That Honed the Skills of Writers
« on: September 26, 2011, 01:59:15 AM »
I played one of these based on Dragonlance as a freshman.  It's actually where my name came from, but I quickly became disenchanted because the community was made of troll's and griefers.(In that time period they were known as people.)  Kind of cool to think that Jim played one too.

Yea, there are places like that. However, every mu* is different. The different server types, can generally tell you what to expect. Mucks are popular with Adult and Furry Mo*s. Muds are generally PvP (some of them heavy RP, others not.), HellMoo promotes griefers and dicks, for instance. Mush (Tiny, Penn, and Rhost), are generally more social, or rp focus. They tend to be anti dicks and griefers.

I think a Dresden Files themed MUSH could turn into something great if spread around the forum. I'd certainly enjoy it.
Its part of the reason why I'm here. I am an ernest fan of the novel series.

Author Craft / Re: NYT: A Game That Honed the Skills of Writers
« on: September 25, 2011, 12:17:14 PM »
I started a thread about that article in the Games section. Mu*s are still around, and there are new ones being made to this day. I'm currently making a Dresden Files mush right now.

Its a great hobby for writers, and role players alike.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: February 10, 2011, 04:29:59 PM »
Er...remember that Nobby actually carries a note from the doctor saying he's human.
that young man is much too good looking for that.
Kyle might need one later on. He sorta looses his hand and few other things. The hand gets eaten and the bones get sent back to him as a necklace.

Author Craft / Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« on: February 09, 2011, 06:00:56 AM »
On, there this seemingly growing trend to only give positive reviews. I find this very irritating. I want to get better, giving me fluff warm feelings doesn't make me a better author. I need to know where I am weak, and hopefully suggestions on how to improve.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: February 08, 2011, 01:53:21 PM »
Where can I read more about the The Warden? From what I know, he was suppose to be the original warden for WH. Is there more info then that?

DFRPG / Re: Telepathy - 3rd law violation or not?
« on: February 08, 2011, 04:02:25 AM »
Isn't there an issue with consent with the third law as well?

The Merlin example, he could assume consent for directing how to handle the dangerous situation, being the Merlin.

Author Craft / Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« on: February 08, 2011, 03:45:58 AM »
You have a very, good friend.  Most people don't have this kind of friend - one they can disagree with without messing up the friendship - also one they can be totally honest with.  Congrats.

We grew to understand, that by rejecting an idea, is not rejecting the person. You are not your idea. From my experience, most folks don't understand this. And most folks, from my experience, take criticism of their idea, and criticism of them personally. I find this very silly.

But yea, Nintaku and I are pretty strong friends.

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