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Messages - Lamech

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DFRPG / Re: Wards and Walls
« on: October 20, 2012, 04:27:44 AM »
When determining the damage to a Ward (say, a Strength 6 ward).  I throw a Strength 4 attack against it.  Do I gain additional shifts if I roll my attack well?  Assume I have a Discipline of 4 and I roll a flat "+0," do I add that to my attack for a total of eight (8) shifts?  If so, then it seems Wards are pretty easily countered--at least by wizards.
How I understand it is that you look at the "targeting" roll to determine if it can penetrate the ward.

So if you target a strength 6 ward, and roll a 4 on your attack, the ward is unharmed and the attack bounces back at you. You then take a four shift attack with the same weapon value. (Roll well on your defense.) Oh and the best way to take down a ward is teamwork.

DFRPG / Re: Wings and dropping people
« on: October 10, 2012, 04:22:20 AM »
End of Adventure Boss:  "I grapple, then start flying up...I keep flying up....I keep flying up..."  Meanwhile, if the boss can't get out of the grapple within the first couple rounds, he's pretty much screwed.
Naw, if a lone enemy gets grappled for several rounds against a team their a goner. Aspects will start to build and it will quickly become impossible to break the grapple. Then other PC's join the fun, the aspects spiral out of control, and the baddie dies.

Consider the following scenario: Due to a hilariously large number of fate points being spent, the shagnasty gets grappled by 6 squirrels.
Round 1: Shagnasty can't do anything to to the large blocks from a fate point spam.
Round 2: The shagnasty gets 6 aspects placed on it. Which ever squirrel rolled well tags a few of the aspects to get a block of lots. Shagnasty can't break free.
Round 3+: The aspects start to build up and up until the squirrels have a nice pile of backup tags.
Final round: Squirrels switch to stress, and tag to increase the stress to an absurd level. The shagnasty is finally gnawed to death. Also very upset that it was defeated by a pack of squirrels.

DFRPG / Re: Wings and dropping people
« on: October 09, 2012, 11:30:24 PM »
I would make it a grapple. You can then move them straight up after grappling them. It takes three rounds to do any damage, but the fall builds quickly...

Also the falling rules are way harsh. Even with athletics 3 and endurance 2 its got about a 50/50 chance of a take out for people who aren't special enough to take consequences.  That's a bit harsh.

DFRPG / Re: "Well, they're screwed"--PCs getting in over their heads.
« on: October 08, 2012, 06:56:43 PM »
Just remember that Concessions are a metagame concept and decision, and one that can be made before the attack is actually made, and everything should go well enough.
Remember kids, concessions save lives. If you ever find yourself about to be eaten by the Shagnasty insult it and run away.

DFRPG / Re: Performance skill ideas?
« on: October 07, 2012, 06:53:17 PM »

need some Performance "Attacks" or "Cheats" I can use during the game
Oh for attacks you'll need a stunt of some sort. Example:
Stage Combat: You've played around with a few weapons on the stage. In fact, to get better at making fights look real you actually learned how to use a few. You may pick two melee weapons and use perform to attack with them.

But that is one of the things stunts do, give skills new trappings.

DFRPG / Re: Messing With The Skill List
« on: October 05, 2012, 03:46:55 AM »

I'm actually okay with Athletics's power level. I just think there should be (more) other ways to acquire physical defences.
Stunts (or powers) work. You could transplant it directly to any other skill. (I believe theirs an example in OW, that does that for lore.) You could also do more flavor appropriate ones, like:
Suppressing Fire (Guns): As long as you have a gun and can fire with it, you can make it difficult for people to attack you. This allows you to replace defense in physical conflicts. Particularly suicidal people may simply ignore your suppressing fire; you gain a free attack against them, against which they automatically have a defense of mediocre.
Banter (Rapport): By making inane commentary, jokes, witty barbs, or other comments, you can set attackers off balance using rapport for defense in physical conflicts. Only works if attackers can hear and understand you.

DFRPG / Re: Performance skill ideas?
« on: October 05, 2012, 01:09:20 AM »
Well first I would try to get the current stunt replaced with a better one. Or at least a bit broader than just lies...

Besides taking more stunts, some things you can do:
1) Have if modify favorably existing skills. You could insult someone in the form of a song, or have it help in a social conflict via letter.
2) Create aspects! This is either done via performance or creating artwork. You could make a Lovely Painting the sale of which (a.k.a. tagging) helps with resources roles, or Sketch of the Target for helping with thaumaturgy. Or you could sing for the party making everyone Confident and Determined. Basically you act like a DnD bard. You sing and people get better at stuff.

Stunts can do cool things though!
1)From the existing ones, poet is good for modifying anything you need to right. Similar custom stunts would help whatever your favored mode of performance too.
2) Pointed performance is good too. You can direct aspects at certain people! PC one is doing it right. and PC two is out leader and similar.
3) Consider a stunt like "Irresistible Performance" that lets you sing and dance and perform as an in combat maneuvers on people. Then you can even be more like a bard!

DFRPG / Re: Resisting magic?
« on: October 04, 2012, 08:54:44 PM »
Then its a much bigger effort. Each scene will be preparing a discrete part of the spell. You'll need to have actual goals other than "complete this spell", and actual fights then. Then its no longer a trivial thing to do, it can get interrupted by a pesky wizard and his talking skull for example.

DFRPG / Re: Vroom! Car Chases in DFRPG
« on: October 04, 2012, 04:47:48 AM »
There are rules for car chases. Their on 193-195. On a side note, you should be able to make attacks with drive, probably at weapon 4 or 5 for most cars.

DFRPG / Re: Messing With The Skill List
« on: October 04, 2012, 04:44:52 AM »
The main thing I would do is say that one gets access to a library (somehow) equal to their lore, and another equal to their scholarship. Super-scientist probably has subscriptions to all the best journals.

Also I would let someone with craft get access to a workspace of their skill. Its silly IMO that crafts requires a second skill to be useful. (Especially one you can fairly well replace the skill in the first place.)

DFRPG / Re: Articles of Faith Defense
« on: October 04, 2012, 04:17:43 AM »
I'd say they'd have to use Discipline--this kind of thing isn't supposed to be something they can punch through or dodge through, so to me it doesn't make sense to let them use their attack or athletics skills.
Yeah... but the RAW rules... I would say that's a good houserule though. I still feel like there was an oversight in the rules for the whole articles of faith.

DFRPG / Re: Articles of Faith Defense
« on: October 04, 2012, 01:30:00 AM »
I'm just wondering if there's a mechanical way to express defending yourself with your faith (such as against a BCV or Demonic Shade using a crucifix or seal of Solomon). Would it simply be used as a Block against the opponent using your Conviction as the Blocking skill? If so, (and this is probably a GM ruled thing) would it work against all creatures with a Holy catch listed? Moreover, would they get an attempt to break through it with something like Discipline or would their attacking skill take precedent?

Sorry, a bunch of questions that I don't know the answer to and couldn't seem to track down, but my kungfu might just need more work.
I would probably go with a block. And yes, the vamps use whatever they want.

DFRPG / Re: Resisting magic?
« on: October 04, 2012, 12:44:33 AM »
a) The concession has to make sense and be acceptable. If an assassin wants to kill you, what concession will you offer? Surrender?
You aren't surrendering to the assassin. Its a meta-game deal. You need to suffer a lasting damage, but something like a moderate consequence does that.
b) You can only concede before the roll that takes you out. If a sniper ambushes you and shoots you in the head from a half-mile away, you won't know of the attack until after it happens. Similarly, if a wizard casts a death-spell on you from twenty miles away, you won't know it's happening.
Indeed, a one shot spell will do the trick.

c) The smart wizard won't do a 36-shift spell. He'll do ten 10-shift ones, keyed to go off together. Even if each individual spell only deals 1 consequence to you, you die because you don't have enough stress boxes and consequences to absorb all of them. Even if you can concede against one, the following spells will still kill you (sort of how an assassin double-taps an already taken-out opponent or shoots the prisoner)
A bunch of problems with that. First off they defend 4 times. You need to fight through wards 4 times, thresholds four times. Even a normal human could mount a defense of 7ish fairly easily. Or you get really unlucky and a wizard has a 10 shift ward.

Second what's this "keyed to go off"? Their are landmines, but I'm pretty sure those are mines, not long range missiles. I suppose you might be able to add some sort of delay, but that adds cost too it. You could cast four spells in a row, but that gives the target time to set up defenses. (A ten shift ward for example)

DFRPG / Re: Resisting magic?
« on: October 01, 2012, 04:52:55 PM »
What would you say would be an appropriate player concession, considering that these are killing spells?
In general a killing spell is supposed to start and end the conflict. They should never really have a chance to concede. I suppose if the guy flubs the first spell a reasonable concession is all the consequences the person took from a half decent killing spell.

DFRPG / Re: Catches for Natural Animals
« on: September 23, 2012, 09:57:28 PM »
They probably have a catch of something like disease, or mordite.

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