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DFRPG / Re: Wardens and the Deathcurse
« on: May 23, 2011, 09:05:05 AM »
Not to smash the whole gag a wizard thing but that doesn't work. In the books it is clearly explained that a wizard doesn't need to speak, wave hands, or anything to cast. These are just insulation against magic's effects on the caster. With words, gestures, and preperation the wizard only gets tired (ie. takes stress). In one of the books Harry is in a choke hold and blacking out, can't talk, move etc, and he casts a lightning bolt at the guy, it just affects him alot more making him see shades of the nevernever. Also, if I were a warlock and I was going to use a deathcurse I'm pretty sure it wouldn't matter to me if I had a headache at the end as I would be dead so gagging me would be silly.

Death curses require concentration and time to build. I've read all the books a few times and each time a deathcurse is used the caster has to draw in alot of power and it takes time. It was also clearly said that sometimes a death is so fast that a person can't cast the spell. Also you have to remember that even if a person could cast one, is the last thought through your mind going to be "hmm, I'll use that death curse now! BLAM!" or "Oh god oh god that guy just stabbed me/This can't be happening". Warlocks are mostly the untrained that stumble into their power and aren't taught how to use it. It probably never occurs to most warlocks that the possiblity to use that type of fuel even exists.

All this being said, NPC's do have death curses. It is up to your game master to regulate when one is appropriate, and what it does ultimately. A PC or NPC may even have access to one but may not be able to come up with the way to use it when the time comes. My game is bi-weekly and I can honestly say that it takes me the full two weeks to come up with one that will be truly terrifying to an enemy and that is tailored to that specific enemy! If you had as little time as 15-30 secs could you come up with a deathcurse or would you just try to blast the guy? Also, timing would have to come into it. What happens if your not as hurt as you think you are. PC's and NPC's dont' know jack about stress and consequences. The player might but your supposed to be pretending to be that guy, he doesn't have a sheet to say "Hrmm, I'm almost full on stress and consequences, this next hit will kill me, I'm gonna deathcurse!" If I were a wizard I would be very afraid to use that lest I not be as bad off as I thought. "Well, Bob had a papercut with lemon juice on it and would have made it but he fired off that deathcurse and died..." food for thought.

As far as executions go, the hood stops the curse. Deathcurses are most definitely evocation. That being said, you have to see the target to hit them with it. The stuff that you can do without L.O.S. is thaumaturgy and is far to time consuming for a deathcurse. First book Harry says that you have to be able to see someone to use the boom boom magic. Far as I'm concerned case closed. The only time a deathcurse should come in is during a fight.

I know I've gone on a bit here but in my game I am the warden. I've thought about this and other stuff like this alot.  ;)

DFRPG / Re: What else warrants execution by the Wardens?
« on: April 06, 2011, 09:55:01 AM »
In the first book it pretty plainly says that the wardens are the watchdogs of the council. In addittion to upholding the laws of magic for all practitioners that are not other types of supernatural (ie. faries and such aren't their problem), I think it says several times that wardens would do whatever it takes to keep people from discovering the true reality of whats out there. In several books it implies that a warden would kill someone who had to much info from the mortal world and that they go around smacking down things that have come out of their rightful area into the real world, such as fetch's and boogeymen and trolls and such. IMO a warden is about safe gaurding the veil that is between what people do know and what they can know. If you agree then there are a ton of things you could get in trouble for. Divulging info would be a big one.

DFRPG / Re: Water Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:58:58 AM »
just moving the thread back to the main thread page for more insight from others. will post my answers soon...

DFRPG / Water Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 24, 2011, 11:48:14 PM »
As the fourth installment in my series of evocation I've decided to focus on the element of water! I'm not totally bulloxed on ideas for this evocation but it isn't the easiest for me by any means, so please feel free to spitball any and all ideas. Once again, please don't go into other elements as there are other threads for those discussions.  Also please don't debate legality of spells, it doesn't matter to me if its black, white, or polka dotted magic. I'm only after ideas so I and other spell slingers don't have to go with the same look each and every time.

Water, is possibly the strongest force on the planet. It crumbles mountains, destroys homes, snuffs fires, drowns the strongest beasts,  and can bring even the mightiest structures on the planet to their' knees. Whether it be a might river smashing its ways over a damn, the riptides of the ocean, or the slow moving destruction that is a glacier water is a force to be reckoned with, respected, and feared.

1. What is a non-combat interesting way to use water magic?

2. What is a single target interesting way to use water magic?

3. What is an area of effect interesting way to use water magic?

4. What is an interesting way to block using water magic?

5. What would be an interesting way to impede someones movement with water magic?

6.Can you think of anything else that would fit the Dresdenverse and be really neat in a game for water magic?

DFRPG / Re: Air Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 22, 2011, 10:25:30 PM »
lol! OMG I thought of that after I had posted it but was hoping noone would notice. I guess we can amend it to say " hurricane in Florida and tornado in Kansas"  :D Sorry, guess I'm no weatherman!... and before you find my other mistakes I corrected them lol! (except you guys copy and pasted them and I can't get to those *doh*)

Going off what a couple of you posted do you guys think that an old D & D spell "haste" would belong in the wind category? Speed someone up so that they could preform more actions in a given turn etc? Also, would just a straight speed upgrade go into this seciton as well?

Also I get that holds and blocks are kind of hard without just saying "I shoo it away with wind!" or "I pin him down with wind!" but that is the purpose of the threads. What about that poor wizard that only has air evocation? We're helping everyone out so just keep pluggin away with the ideas, so far they are great!

DFRPG / Re: Air Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 22, 2011, 03:12:09 AM »
1. What is a non-combat interesting way to use air magic?

The one that most easily springs to mind is....flight! I also think that a neat trick would be long range communication, like whisper into a breeze and have it taken across a battlefield to your friends or allies. Creation of air could be neat for surviving underwater or in space, though I'm not really sure why you would be in space... Slow fall would be a neat non-combat effect for wind.

2. What is a single target interesting way to use air magic?

I have a couple of different ideas on single targeting with air. The first is to expand the air in a targets lungs until they burst, another would be a directed lightning bolt (though this could concievably go to other targets). Another single target use would be shoves with wind similar to what Harry did that one time in the elevator. Wind Funnels could be used to strip a target of usable oxygen, and pass him out as well. There are two more ideas I can think of for single target attacks, one is cutting them with wind, like a wind sword or knife. The other is molecular friction, you vibrate the air molecules around them so fast that they burn/catch on fire.

3. What is an area of effect interesting way to use air magic?

The one that immediatly springs to mind is a tornado, the downside to this is that after magic is called it behaves like normal stuff so how do you stop it once it starts. Another area attack would be a chained lightning strike. A vortex to suck everyone up into the air and let gravity take over could be fun as well.

4. What is an interesting way to block using air magic?

I have been thinking about ways to redirect attacks as opposed to straight out blocking. A air pressure wall would be a straight block, but what I was thinking about would be more like a wind tunnel with the air moving so fast that it would push the object conjured back at the attacker, this only works for things with a mass though.

5. What would be an interesting way to impede someones movement with air magic?

The obvious idea to me is a sustained gale, so much wind pushing on them that they couldn't move. Another would be to slow down the molecules around them so much that it would be like wading through water. 

6.Can you think of anything else that would fit the Dresdenverse and be really neat in a game for air magic?

I'm not sure if this would be only an air option, but I think it works best for air. Sonic booms, if you do these it could not only impair the target and injure them, it would also be like a car alarm alerting others.

DFRPG / Air Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 22, 2011, 12:41:11 AM »
As a continuation of the previous threads I'm starting the third in a series of 6 brainstorming sessions! As on the previous threads please do not debate the legality of a spell, I'm only looking for thematic uses that I haven't come up with myself.  Please attempt to not repeat the same thing over and over again, yes a hurricane is great and powerful but I don't want the same thing for every entry.

Air magic is one of the more subtle but one of the strongest elements. Whether the air is wearing down a mountain one grain at a time or whether its a tornado destroying some poor trailer park in Kansas air magic is always a force to be respected. This also happens to be one of the elements that I have the most trouble with. Thanks for all the help you guys have already given myself and other wizards in coming up with neat, interesting ways to describe the use of our magic.

1. What is a non-combat interesting way to use air magic?

2. What is a single target interesting way to use air magic?

3. What is an area of effect interesting way to use air magic?

4. What is an interesting way to block using air magic?

5. What would be an interesting way to impede someones movement with air magic?

6.Can you think of anything else that would fit the Dresdenverse and be really neat in a game for air magic?


DFRPG / Re: Sixth Law question/debate
« on: March 22, 2011, 12:35:27 AM »
If you look up the laws in the players handbook, I don't remember the name right now, it says that it is NOT against the laws to go forward in time. It is frowned upon because if anyone were to travel forward in time, they would have a tremendous temptation to then flow back to their own present when they got there with the knowledge the future gave them. Think Marty McFly in Back to the Future, the sports almanac that lets Biff bet on ever winner for 20 years. What would you do if you knew the future?

DFRPG / Re: White Court NPCs and not being super akward
« on: March 22, 2011, 12:31:12 AM »
no matter what WCV family you decide to use, whether its Raith, Skavis, or some family you make up the one thing you have to remember is that WCV DO NOT engage directly if they aren't absolutely forced into it. Every time a WCV in the books goes physical its because it was the last resort and their pawns and cats paws had been found out/killed. I strongly suggest you use not only one lay but perhaps up to 6 layers between whoever attacks your pc's (whether physical or social or monetarily) and the puppet master. These guys are manipulaters first and combat junkies second. In fact, whatever WCV you use would lose A LOT of face by engaging directly.

DFRPG / Re: Earth Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:19:33 PM »
anyone have anythign else they want to add? I ask because I'm about to print this and copy what I like to my personal spell grimoire ( a journal I take to games so I don't have to remember all this lol).

DFRPG / Re: Spirit Magic Brain Storming
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:18:16 PM »
I totally agree with you guys on the two sides of the same coin thing. I don't play a subtle character, I play a power slinging warden so I gravitate toward alot of the more Harry type of spirit. Others need to decide what they want their characters to do. Again though, this is just about spit balling ideas so a wizard can look at the list and say "this is neat, I hadn't thought of this, and it fits my toon" and then use it in game. I have trouble with on the fly stuff unless it lends itself to my play style, hence the list and trying to expand my options.

DFRPG / Re: Spirit Magic Brain Storming
« on: March 20, 2011, 02:58:05 AM »
OH! I forgot to put this on the list as well under blocks....

Spirit Armor - this could be simple kinetic energy dampening to reduce the velocity of bullets and weapons or it could be a totally different shield that protects you and your mind/soul from some stuff like life sucking succubi for example, or as the dresdenverse calls them White Court vampires!

Also alot of the healing in the game can be attributed to spirit/force magic. Basically your working with life concentrate so it helps others heal faster.

Shapechanging could also be labeled under spirit magic as you could alter the form of your spirit and it would be refelcted in a new form for your body. Not quite sure how native american joe does it but he was choke full of spirit for sure.

DFRPG / Re: Spirit Magic Brain Storming
« on: March 20, 2011, 01:14:07 AM »
Guys, while I see how this relates to the topic it isn't on topic. If you want to discuss the ins and outs of whether magic is gray, black, or polka dotted please do so in another thread. I made these threads, and I hope this thread was made in the same thought, to help flesh out magic ideas not whether it broke the laws. There are a ton of threads on that, I wanted and I think the thread creator here wants, ideas for how to use the magic thematically. Sorry if I'm coming off as rude, but this isn't what I was looking for. That being said....

Patience grasshopper! lol. I was planning on making a new thread for spirit magic (I call this force because I think spirit sounds wierd) tonight but you beat me to it bestial warlust! I was having trouble choosing between spirit and air and you helped lol! Anyway, I absolutely LOVE force magic. I think it is the most versatile and handy of all the elements for one simple fact, you can do anything that another element can do....AND ITS INVISIBLE!

Here are a few things I've done that I think are pretty nifty with force magic....

1. What is a non-combat interesting way to use spirit magic?

Well, the obvious ones are the light/darkness effects and viels that everyone else mentions. Force magic also has some really neat applications when you think about it because ALL the symbiotic ties that link stuff together in dresdenverse are made of spirit/force magic. So, you coule take a tie that someone left behind like say a napkin with lipstick on it from their mouth, strengthen that tie to the point where you could cast at them through the link.

Another use for force magic is stated in the series as "holomancy" or illusions. Now, for those of you who are scifi fans you will know what a hard light hologram is. Its a hologram that can interact with its environment. I have made these before to even the numbers in a fight, to make someone lose me when being followed, and to make targeting me almost impossible in a fight. Also remember that you don't have to make them of people. How bad would it be if the get away driver accidently drove over a "bridge" and ended up in his van down by the river!

2. What is a single target interesting way to use spirit magic?

If you want to target a single person in combat the most direct method I can come up with is either the old force punch/grip (think Darth Vader) or my personal favorite the expanding force bubble in their head.

3. What is an area of effect interesting way to use spirit magic?

When you absolutely, positively, have to kill every person in the area nothing is more devestating than spirit/force magic. Fire magic and the rest are great for hurting people, spirit kills them. Think soulfire guys, if you get rid of their spirit they die, just like if you use to much of it with soulfire. The most ridiculously horrible attack would be like that guy in the books that waves his hand and people just fall over. Great kill ration, no collateral damage.

Another thing would be to do a layover of what a wizard sees with the sight. Think about 50 mooks chasing down your wizard who ends up in a dead end (no pun intended), the mage reaches out and creates an illusion of exactly what you would see with the sight and lays it over the immediate area. If it doesn't drive the guys bonkers it at least stuns them long enough to get away.

4. What is an interesting way to block using spirit magic?

My favorite block in the game is from force. You let the person attack you and then create a force funnel that redirects and amplifies the attack by giving it kinetic energy. It only works once but it surprises the hell out of him when his own fireball hits him in the face.

Another great idea for blocking with force magic is duh....FORCEFIELDS!

5. What would be an interesting way to impede someones movement with sprit magic?

Force wall maze....whats worse than a maze? AN INVISIBLE MAZE! BWHAHAHA

Force Cages       

One thing I have been wanting to use but haven't had a chance to use yet is something that amplifies a certain emotion. before you start shouting about breaking the laws, I am thinking about it being set to an area, not a person, so that it would be more like Harry and the others making someplace dreary or frightening.

One way to single target impede movements is with judicious applications of force ribbons that wrap around the person. I've also done this in an iron maiden design that worked well.

6.Can you think of anything else that would fit the Dresdenverse and be really neat in a game for spirit magic?

Most of the really neat stuff Harry does is with spirit magic I would say. Almost all tracking spells, summonings, necromancy (which as long as it doesn't raise people is legal), illusions, light/darkness effects, force fields, kinetic energy, lasers, and concussion explosions come out of spirit. Like I said, its my favorite!

DFRPG / Re: Earth Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 11, 2011, 11:56:21 PM »
1.I was thinking that a non-combat way to use earth magic would be to rip a huge piece of rock/earth out of the ground and then adjust the magnetics on it so you could fly it around. Would be a good way for groups to get around without really having to worry about ground obstacles, kind of like a wizard plane.

2.For a single target use of earth magic the best I can come up with is using the iron in the blood kind of like dark age horses and quarter someone. Basically you pull the iron in five different directions, each arm and leg goes a seperate way and you can yank the head off as well, not a whole lot would live through that and if it did it would be slowed down considerably.

3.For an area effect spell, the one that I think is the most dramatic is to open up a fissure in the ground under an enemy group and let them fall into it, after they are in you smush the ground back together and you get either a hard trap to get out of or the crushing wieght of the earth that kills them.

4.The best block I can come up with for earth is simple rock walls shooting up out of the ground to block incoming danger. Not very dramatic but pretty effective.

5.A movement impeding use of earth magic would be to let the earth around the enemies feet go semi-liquid basically making quicksand.

6.I'm not sure if this is considered earth magic but opening a miniature black hole would be neat, assuming of course you could get rid of it or contain it so that it doesn't swallow the earth.

DFRPG / Earth Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 11, 2011, 11:43:12 PM »
Hey guys,before you go and try to answer my questions in this post please don't go into the other elements. I intend to do a new thread for each but I have the most trouble with this element so its where I wanted to start. Everyone has their favorite spell flavor and hopefully this will help anyone out who casts spells.

I don't know how many of you have the same troubles I do but when I use magic I don't want to use it the same way over and over again. I have rotes for getting reliable results and not being inventive. I keep thinking about parts of the books where Harry obviously hasn't got the spell he is doing as a rote and he still gets some kind of amazing, flashy result. In an effort to help myself and all my other spell slinger buddies I want to spitball ideas for ways to use each of the elements in evocation.

EARTH MAGIC is where I want to start. It is the magic that taps into the ground beneath your feet, the subtle, slow course the continents follow, and gravity itself.  If you are going to respond please fill out each of the questions below and try not to repeat yourself (while throwing a rock with a density of a billion is nice, using it for every entry defeats the purpose of the excercise).

1. What is a non-combat interesting way to use earth magic?

2. What is a single target interesting way to use earth magic?

3. What is an area of effect interesting way to use earth magic?

4. What is an interesting way to block using earth magic?

5. What would be an interesting way to impede someones movement with earth magic?

6.Can you think of anything else that would fit the Dresdenverse and be really neat in a game for earth magic?

By any means if you come up with a field I missed or you just have a great idea on some way to improve the game please post it. I'll respond to this so you guys see what I mean.

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