Back in January at MarsCon you mentioned that since a couple of the Dresden short stories weren't available to include in Side Jobs, you were considering a second short story anthology. You asked the folks present for stories people would like to read/questions we'd like to have answered. I had a thought on this yesterday.
I'd like to see a short story told from Molly's perspective. It would take place after Changes. By way of introduction, she'd need to talk a little bit about how she'd had a crush on Harry since she was a young teen and how she was too embarassed to go to him as soon as her magic started to come in and how her crush has evolved into something deeper. She could also talk about how she felt about
protecting the man who wanted to murder her
in Turn Coat and
how she was wounded in Mexico
. I don't know what the major conflict could be, but a discussion with Michael, Charity, and Fr Forthill about
getting her disappeared now that her mentor is dead
would fit in nicely, don't you think?
Does she truly disappear or does Ebenezer step up to provide one last assist for his grandson, taking in Molly and Mouse so that he can protect and teach Harry's apprentice?
Just an idea, some threads I'd love to see woven together.