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Messages - Arronax

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: The Catch
« on: January 12, 2011, 12:34:06 PM »
This is food for thought, it seems I have been thinking about this one the wrong way.

Although when I think about it Left handedness used to be considered "wrong" back in the day(I heard of people having their left tied so they would learn to write with their right).
So we could infer that using the "wrong" hand is going against ones nature and thus more likely to damage a being whose state of being is inherently wrong.

As for the penalty I suppose a -1 to combat rolls.

However I do think that "massive trauma" is a catch that might work in this case(Cutting of the head of the Immortal Highlander style).

DFRPG / The Catch
« on: January 11, 2011, 11:26:30 PM »
Hey first time poster so donīt hose me to hard if this is a common subject:

Is the catch for recovery based abilities always an item or object?

My friend is eventually planning on running a game and I had this idea for an Immortal Cowboy of sorts and I was thinking about the catch: that if people fire/attack using their off-hand that the catch bypasses the toughness(and recovery) based powers.

First off all is this "in theme" with the Dreden files(I have only gotten halfway through Fool Moon)?

And secondly is there any way to price this?  Personally I was thinking -3 as this is very common but somewhat unusual, but I have no actual experience with this game.

Thanks in advance.

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